Wellington Turman emerged with a unanimous decision victory over a game Markus Perez tonight at UFC fight Night 164.
Round One:
Right hand from Turman. Turman wades in again and lands a hook as he presses Perez up against the cage and tries for a takedown. Perez defends that attempt though and reverses him into the cage.
Perez with an elbow, but he reverses the position again and then lands a takedown. Perez immediately back upright, but Turman takes his back now and is working for a takedown again.
Perez does well to ensure he doesn’t get put down again and then pushes him into the cage. Nice spinning backfist from Perez.
They go back to striking range. Left hand from Perez. Now a side kick to the body. And a front kick to the body too. Spinning kick upstairs misses though.
Two-piece from Turman and then a solid front kick to the midsection. Body kick for Perez. Turman just whistles over Perez’s head with a kick.
Turman on the offensive again with punches. Body kick for Perez. leg kick for him now. He lands a punch to the body.
Clipping left from Turman. Elbow from Perez. Leg kick from Turman. Now a right hand that puts Perez on his heels for a moment.
Side kick attempt from Turman. Now jumping into a knee and lands a solid punch afterwards to the head.
Round Two:
Punch lands for Turman. Spinning attack from Perez. Turman stalking perez and lands the right again. Perez with a left and Turman lands one of his own.
Punch to the body from Perez. Uppercut for Turman as his opponent backs up to the cage. Turman trying to work the elbow at close range.
Perez with a spinning elbow that partially connects. Turman still throwing punches though.
Turman into the clinch against the cage now. He works a trip takedown and lands it. Perez working to stand though against the cage. he lands an upward elbow while he’s still on one knee.
Turman still has Perez’s back as he stands. Turman with a head kick attempt as his opponent stands, but Perez immediately clinches up himself.
They split and go back to striking range. Grazing right hand from Perez and then a missed uppercut. Turman wades in and clinches.
Knee to the body from Turman, but Perez now clinching up against the cage. They don’t stay there long. Both men trade punches, but it’s a left hand from Perez that lands harder.
Perez with significant bleeding to his right eye though as Turman starts working for a takedown against the cage.
Left hook from Turman as they separate. Kick to the body from Perez. Turman thinks about a standing guillotine and then goes for a kick instead to end the round.
Round Three:
Front kick to the body for Turman. Now a nice flurry from Turman connects to the head. He continues to throw heavy leather and Perez responds with a couple of heavy body kicks. He goes for one upstairs too that doesn’t hit the mark.
Turman clinching now and throws a knee upstairs. Perez reverses the clinch and then Turman is in control again and takes his back. He lands a knee to the head while he’s there.
Turman able to drag Perez to the mat now. Perez turled and Turman is able to get onto his back more securely and then gets into full mount as Perez rolls.
Perez trying for a leg lock and Turman get up, defends and comes back down and secures side control.
Elbow strikes from Turman now. he goes to north south and then side control again. Perez trying to get out from this position and manages to stand.
Turman still clinching though with a minute remaining. Elbow from Perez. Spinning backfist from Perez after getting space. Turman straight into the clinch again. Perez reversing.
They separate and Perez starts swinging for the fences despite being tired and starts to land a few blows. Turman toughs them out though and starts to slug back, landing a clean punch as the round ends.
Perez put up a good fight then, but there’s no doubt that Turman got the better of the action and he emerges with a unanimous decision victory (30-27 x3).