Max Holloway delivered a thrilling knockout finish over ‘The Korean Zombie’ Chan Sung Jung in the third round of today’s main event at UFC Fight Night 225 in Singapore.
Round One:
The featherweight main event is underway in Singapore.
Missed low kick from The Korean Zombie. Holloway misses with his too. Calf kick for Holloway. He lands another as TKZ was seeking his own.
Another low kick for Holloway. Now TKZ lands his own. Nice left hand counter from TKZ as Holloway was looking for a kick.
TKZ lands well and Holloway seems troubled, but then lands a big punch that has TKZ rocked and backing off looking a bit unsteady!
They action settles down for a few moments. Punch from Holloway. Counter for TKZ. Holloway ducks under then lands a nice left hook.
Jab to the body for Holloway. Hard left hand for Holloway off a stance switch. He lands to the body with a punch now.
Nice left hand for TKZ. Good counter-hook from Holloway as TKZ was trying to let his hands go. Holloway sticks nicely to the body with a punch. Reaching jab from TKZ.
TKZ firing off big punches here. Holloway lands nicely to the body again. TKZ charges forward and lands three straight punches in a row, then Holloway seeks to counter just as the round is ending.
Round Two:
Both land a left hook. Right hand gets through for Holloway. Flurry of punches from Holloway and TKZ sinks to the mat. Holloway thinks it might be done and hesitates, but TKZ suddenly scoots over and looks to bring him down. Holloway drops to the mat locking in an anaconda choke.
Holloway working hard to finish this choke, but TKZ won’t give up. TKZ able to find a way back to his feet now.
Left hook lands for TKZ. Jab for Holloway. Holloway lands a jab to the body. Another ducking, step-off hook lands for Holloway.
Left hook and a right hand for Holloway lands well. TKZ with a big punch of his own. Holloway rapid-fires thhe jab. Now a head kick attempt from Holloway. A punch to the body.
Knee stomp from Holloway. TKZ just misses with a winging hook. Body punch for Holloway. TKZ steps into a solid straight. Good body punch from Holloway. TKZ lands a punch and Holloway fires back with a big counter.
One-two for Holloway. Holloway goes to the body and head. Now a kick. Jab for Holloway. Now a body kick as TKZ was coming forward.
Spinning body kick for Holloway. 10 seconds to go in the round. Right hand lands for TKZ as Holloway was throwing a body kick.
Round Three:
TKZ comes forward immediately throwing heavy leather and lands nicely. He’s fired up and is motioning Holloway on and he gets what he asked for as Holloway throws back hard.
TKZ gestures again, but Holloway blasts him with a thunderous right hook that sends him crashing forward to the canvas, and that’s it, Holloway wins with a highlight-reel KO finish at 0.53mins of the 3rd round!
What a thrilling finish there as TKZ went out on his shield trying to deliver a big finish. It wasn’t to be and in his post-fight interview he announces his retirement from the sport.
A very emotional TKZ weeps as he goes onto his knees in the Octagon afterwards but there’s then a beautifully poignant moment as the entire crowd starts singing The Cranberries ‘Zombie’ as he leaves the Octagon and he’s smiling again as he walks out the arena.