Joaquin Buckley landed a picture-perfect head kick to TKO Andre Fialho tonight at UFC Fight Night 224.
Round One:
Leg kick for Buckley. He tries a head kick that comes off the guard. He attempts another head kick that’s also blocked.
Solid body kick from Fialho. Buckley launches into a series of big punches, but misses the targe with that flurry.
Punch from Buckley and now a kick. He attempts a head kick that misses. A couple of hard punches land for him and now a nice right hand from Fialho. He lands again.
Fialho with a mid-kick as Buckley was ducking and that could have been dangerous, but he’s ok. Buckley swinging for the fences.
Buckley lands a nice takedown, but Fialho drives straight back up to his feet. Buckley’s head kick is blocked.
Solid body kick from Fialho. Buckley wades into range and lands a punch. Now he’s driving into another takedown and lands it, but again Fialho bursts back to his feet and then turns Buckley into the cage. Buckley reverses position and then lands another takedown as the round ends.
Round Two:
Fialho looks for a hook and now a body kick that strays to the groin and forces a brief stoppage.
Head kick attempt from Fialho is blocked. Hard right hand from Fialho. Buckley darting in with punches. He goes for another flurry, but he’s loading up at times and sacrificing accuracy.
Nice counter-punch from Fialho lands. Left hand and a right hook from Buckley. Hard left for Buckley. Now a head kick that’s blocked.
side kick to the body from Buckley. Fialho misses a head kick. Buckley launches into a hard punch. Right hook from him. Now a body kick as Fialho was trying for one of his own.
Buckley starts throwing out his left hand. Left hook from Fialho. Jab for Buckley. Fialho with a double jab and a punch and kick behind it.
Spinning back kick to the body from Buckley. Potential clash of heads there and Fialho came off worse, but almost immediately says he’s ok to continue.
Back to it they go and Buckley perfectly times a head kick as Fialho is going for a hook and it lands clean, flooring him. Fialho still conscious but the ref has seen enough and the fight is over in stunning fashion by TKO at 4.15mins of Rd2. Fialho tries to get back up afterwards but is very unsteady.