Nasrat Haqparast emerged with a narrow split-decision victory over Esteban Ribovics tonight at UFC Fight Night 253 after a hard-fought striking battle.
Round One
Solid leg kick for Ribovics. Now a body kick from him. Body punch from Haqparast and then a good left hand from him.
Head kick attempt from Ribovics is blocked. Both fighters active with punches. Low kick from Ribovics. Another nice left hand from Haqparast. High kick attempt from Ribovics. Body kick from Haqparast.
Hooks from Ribovics, who is bleeding from his lip. Haqparast with a body kick again. Outside low kick from Ribovics. Haqparast’s left hand finding a home again. Low kick for Ribovics.
Jab to the head for Ribovics and one to the body from Haqparast. Ribovics with a combo. Haqparast to the body and now Ribovics does the same.
Ribovics with a punch followed by a kick. Haqparast getting through with the left hand. Ribovics with a kick, but Haqparast gets through with the left hand again.
Haqparast gets a final left hand through just before the round ends.
Round Two
Ribovics with a body kick and Haqparast punches to the midsection too. Left hook for Ribovics. Haqparast flashes out his left hand. Straight rights from Ribovics.
Quick flurry from Haqparast. Now a good right hand from him. Head kick attempt from Ribovics. Haqparast’s left hand still connecting.
Body kick for Ribovics. Hooks and a low kick from Haqparast. Elbow strike for Haqparast. Inside leg kick from Ribovics. Flurry from Haqparast, but then Ribovics sits down on a few punches of his own.
Body work from Ribovics. Haqparast with a body punch and Ribovics with a body kick. Straight punches from Ribovics then ducks a punch in return and lands a kick.
Low kick for Haqparast. Back to the left hand for him. Ribovics works to the head and body with a flurry of punches. Kicks exchanged.
Punches followed by a head kick attempt from Ribovics. Nice left hook from Ribovics late in the round. He lands a good straight punch in the final second too.
Round Three
Body kick for Ribovics. They exchange rapid punches. Ribovics with high-volume flurries. Haqparast picking his sots a bit more. He targets the body with a punch.
Left hook from Ribovics. Elbow from Haqparast. Low kick for Haqparast. More punches exchanged.
Big knee from Ribovics lands and opens up a nasty cut to Haqparast’s left cheekbone!
They continue to battle on and then Haqparast suddenly swoops into a successful takedown. Ribovics with his back against the cage. 90 seconds to go as he works to his knees.
Ribovics able to get up and misses a head kick attempt on the way. Haqparast with a left hand and he kicks to the body too.
Left hand for Haqparast. He clinches up but Ribovics immediately disengages. Another couple of left hands from Haqparast, but then Ribovics fires back with a flurry. He stuffs a takedown attempt.
Ribovics throws a left head kick that’s blocked, but then follows up with one to the other side that gets through. It’s not the hardest connection, but Haqparast looks a little wobbled. Luckily for him that’s where the round ends.
This was a really high-paced, technical striking battle then, with both men gave a very good account of themselves. It’s so close that it comes down to a split-decision verdict, and it’s Haqparast who emerges with his hand raised (29-28 x2, 28-29).