Rose Namajunas Beats Amanda Ribas By Unanimous Decision At UFC On ESPN 53

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Rose Namajunas earned her first victory at flyweight tonight at UFC On ESPN 53 with a unanimous decision victory against Amanda Ribas. Round One: The flyweight main event is underway in Las Vegas! Quick movement from both fighters here as they circle just out of range. Missed head kick from Ribas. Namajunas steps in and ...

Rose Namajunas Shaved head

Rose Namajunas earned her first victory at flyweight tonight at UFC On ESPN 53 with a unanimous decision victory against Amanda Ribas.

Round One:

The flyweight main event is underway in Las Vegas!

Quick movement from both fighters here as they circle just out of range. Missed head kick from Ribas. Namajunas steps in and land a punch then backs out again.

Calf kick for Ribas but Namajunas lands a punch on the counter. Kick to the body from Ribas. Calf kicks exchanged.

Right and a left hand from Namajunas. Nice jab from the former champ. She lands it again. Spinning body kick for Ribas as Namajunas continues to chip away with the jab.

Ribas lands a takedown in the center of the Octagon, but Namajunas gets right back up. Ribas still clinched up and walks her over to the cage. Namajunas reverses the position. Knee to the body from her.

Back to striking range now. High kick attempt from Ribas but comes off the guard. Right hand from Ribas gets through. Namajunas with a left hand.

In close Namajunas lands a knee, Ribas counters with a head-and-arm throw in the center of the Octagon, but Namajunas rolls on top and secures half-guard.

Namajunas grinding her elbow into Ribas’ face. Ribas preventing Namajunas from posturing up. Ribas trying to find some light punches from her back and Namajunas is staying patient and maintaining control as the round ends.

Round Two:

Sticking jab for Namajunas. She steps in nicely with a right hand. Body kick from Ribas doesn’t land cleanly. Namajunas catches Ribas with a left on the counter.

Jab for Namajunas. Spinning kick to the body from Ribas. Grazing left hand for Namajunas. Few missed strikes from both fighters as they each stay light on their feet and utilize movement.

Namajunas attempts a takedown, but Ribas is up as soon as she hits the mat.

Ribas attempts a head-and-arm throw then gives up on it and tries for a leg lock, but Namajunas gets out of it and then is able to get on top.

90 seconds to go and Namajunas is staying tight to Ribas for now and remaining patient. Ribas closing her guard and trying to run down the clock. Final few seconds and Ribas is starting to sneak out and trying to take the back.

Round Three:

Body kick attempt from Ribas, but receives a counter right from Namajunas. Head kick attempt from Ribas.

calf kick for Namajunas. Another head kick attempt from Ribas and Namajunas stumbled to the mat for a moment, but the kick didn’t seem to make contact and she’s straight back up to her feet.

Body kick for Namajunas. Calf kick for Ribas. jab for Namajunas. jab from Ribas too. They clinch up and Namajunas lands a knee to the body.

They quickly separate. Ribas misses on a spinning backfist. Right hand from Namajunas. Jab for the former champ. Now a right hand.

Right hand for Ribas. Misses on a spinning backfist. Clipping right hand from Namajunas. Ribas lands a takedown. Namajunas gets back up, works for a takedown of her own. Namajunas landing awkwardly on her head for a moment as they go back to the mat with a scramble.

Back up now. In close Ribas lands a throw. Ribas landing a few elbows here. Now punches as Namajunas goes to her knees. Ribas latches onto her back, but the round comes to a close.

Round Four:

A few missed punches to start the fourth round. left hand for Namajunas. She lands that again. Right hand lands for Ribas.

Body punch from Namajunas. leg kick for Ribas. Right hand for Namajunas. Ribas lands a right too.

Jab for Namajunas and a low kick from Ribas. Step-in punch from Namajunas. Body kick for Ribas lands lightly.

Jab for Namajunas. ribas attempts a high kick. Namajunas works a takedown in the center of the Octagon. Ribas with a leg up her hoping to set up a potential submission, but Namajunas gets to half-guard and Ribas works her back to her full-guard.

Light punches to the body from Namajunas. Not really any damage accumulating here, but staying active enough to stay in the position. Ribas trying to strike from her back as Namajunas works a few more punches to the body.

Round Five:

Solid body kick from Ribas. Now a calf kick. again to the body with a kick. Nice right hand lands for Namajunas.

Missed superwoman punch and then a glancing high kick from Ribas. Namajunas landing a counter punch. She punches to the body.

Missed head kick attempt from Ribas. Jab for the former champ. Missed spinning kick from Ribas. Speculative attempts her from Ribas but Namajunas is staying elusive on the outside.

Knee to the body from Namajunas in a brief clinch position then back to working on the outside. Jab from Namajunas.

Jab for Ribas. Spinning kick attempt from her. Spinning kick lands to the body. Body kick for Namajunas. Stepping left hand for her.

Knee from Namajunas in the clinch. Back to striking range. Jab for Namajunas after a few missed strikes from Ribas.

Nice right hand from Namajunas. Right hand for Ribas. calf kick for Namajunas. she glides out of range of a kick from Ribas. we’re headed to the scorecards.


A conservative performance from Namajunas then, happy to work behind the jab for the most part on the feet and opting for periods of control on top too rather than pursuing a finish, and it’s enough to earn her a unanimous decision victory (49-46 x2, 48-47).

Ross Cole
Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.

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