Rob Font Defeats Kyler Phillips By Unanimous Decision At UFC Fight Night 245

Rob Font got back to winning ways tonight at UFC Fight Night 245 with a solid decision win over Kyler Phillips.

Round One:

Low kick for Phillips. Phillips darts into an early single-leg and lands it nicely. Phillips now working in the center of the cage in side control.

Font gets him back to half-guard. Good pass back to side control from Phillips as Font was trying to scramble. Knee on belly now and tries to go to mount, but Font gets him back to half-guard. Elbow strike lands for Phillips.

Phillips now in the full guard but lands a few elbows. Another good pass to side control from Phillips. Hard elbow for him. Into half-guard now. Phillips thinking about a submission and that leads to a scramble and Font is able to get back up.

Font marching forward now and threatening with big uppercuts. Up against the cage now it’s Font who is looking for a takedown of his own. Phillips defending for now.

20 seconds in the round to go and they break apart. Font back to pressing the action on the feet.

Round Two:

Leg kick for Phillips. Hard straight for Font. Nice takedown from Phillips. Font using the cage to get back up though and is now pressing forward looking for strikes.

Punch for Font and then briefly clinches up. Now he backs off. Calf kick for Phillips as Font is marching forward.

Side-to-side movement on the outside from Phillips and then he clinches. Not for long though. Body kick from Phillips. Font misses an uppercut. Jab for Phillips. Inside leg kick from Phillips but then Font lands a good overhand.

Right and a left from Font and then clinches up against the cage. Back to striking they go. Font constantly pressuring. He lands a hard right hand. He threatens with the straight right again.

Calf kick for Phillips. Punch for Phillips, but Font returns fire with more accurate work. Another punch lands for him.

Series of punches connect for Font as Phillips was against the cage. Phillips clinches up and lands a knee before they separate.

Hard body punch from Font and then clinches late in the round. Slick trip from Phillips to get on top just before the horn sounds.

Round Three:

Phillips with a calf kick. Single-leg takedown from Phillips in the center of the Octagon. Font trying to scramble out. He gets up and back to striking range.

Punch for Phillips. left and a right from Font. Left hands from Font while coming forward. Low kick for Phillips.

Jab for Phillips. Font clinches up against the cage. Phillips breaks free. Body kick for Phillips. Jab for Font. Now an uppercut. Grazing right hook as Phillips is moving away.

Calf kick from Phillips. He lands another. Phillips clinches up and drops to his knees trying to work a takedown. Font still standing for now and gets away.

Right hands from Font and then a left. Phillips turns nicely and lands a solid punch. Clinch from Font and then works around to the back. Phillips turns into him and then gets away.

Phillips tries a spinning back kick but it’s blocked. Jab for Font. Glancing left from Phillips. Font with a rigt hand and clinches but is pushed away.

Font misses a punch and Phillips tries to land a final takedown but can’t get it.


Phillips made good use of his wrestling and grappling early in the fight, but Font soon adjusted and pressed the action on the feet well with accurate strikes while preventing his tiring opponent from bringing him back down, and that strategy leads him to a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.