Sean Strickland was in fine form tonight at UFC Fight Night 183 as he TKO’d Brendan Allen in the second round to mark his second victory in the space of a few weeks.
Round One:
Nice straight punch from Allen and then a low kick. One-two for Allen and a single punch in return from Strickland.
Allen with a head kick attempt. Right hook for Strickland. Body punch from Allen. Jab for Strickland. left hand pumping out from Strickland. Body kick for Allen.
Allen with another body kick, but Strickland catches it and shoves him to the mat. Strickland settles into Allen’s full guard.
Allen looks to escape back to his feet, but gives up his back to do so. He does get up, but Strickland is clinched to his back and lands a couple of knees upstairs.
Strickland looks for a takedown, but it doesn’t work out and soon after he moves back to striking range.
Jab for Allen and a leg kick. Hard one-two for Strickland. He lands again. Allen with a body punch and then a push kick.
Grazing right hook for Strickland. Allen with a clinch position, but Strickland reverses it and then backs up to striking range again.
Both men trade punches. Allen already with blood to his nose. One-two for Strickland. Big left hook for Allen seemed to wobble Strickland just for a moment.
Strickland with a one-two. Allen connects too. Body kick for Allen off a jab. Right hooks for Strickland. Now a one-two again.
Allen shoves him back to the cage, but Strickland is the one who ends up in the clinch and then goes back to striking range. Strickland with a front kick to the chin but then Allen comes back with punches. Close exchanges here, good first round.
Round Two:
Straight punches for Strickland. Allen leaps into a punch and then another behind it. Allen trying for a kick, but gets knocked off-balance by Strickland’s punches.
More straight punches from Strickland and a hard low kick for Allen. He lands it again. Hard straight punches scoring for Strickland.
Allen with a hook. Now another hard calf kick. Hook for Allen. Strickland still getting through his opponent’s guard with those straight lefts and rights.
Strickland lands a big left hook and a right behind it and Allen staggers forward hurt and falls to the mat. He tries to get up looking wobbled, but Strickland doesn’t let him off the hook and wades in with more big right hands against the cage that convince the ref to end the fight, giving Strickland a big TKO victory at 1.32mins of the second round.