Belal Muhammad Beats Leon Edwards To Become 170lb Champ At UFC 304

Belal Muhammad became the UFC’s new welterweight champion tonight at UFC 304 after his mix of pressure-based striking and wrestling led him to defeat Leon Edwards by unanimous decision.

Round One:

The welterweight title headliner is underway in Manchester, England!

Muhammad takes the center of the Octagon to start. Muhammad in on an early takedown and lands it comfortably.

Muhammad in Edwards guard with the champion staying tight to him and then at the earliest opportunity finding a way back to his feet.

Edwards then is able to turn into Muhammad in the clinch against the cage. Edwards attempts to go for a double-leg of his own, but Muhammad stops that.

elbow strike from Edwards as he disengages from the clinch. Straight punches from Edwards. Now a kick from him. Muhammad comes in with punches but eats a knee to the body.

Body kick for Edwards. Grazing left hook from Muhammad. Edwards sticks him with an uppercut. Heavy body kick from Edwards that had Muhammad flinching.

left hand for Muhammad. Punches from Edwards. Muhammad continuing to pressure and as Edwards defends Belal ducks under and lands another powerful takedown. Muhammad stays on top as the round draws to a close.

Round Two:

Straight punches from Edwards to start the second round. Now a body kick for the champ. Hook from Muhammad. Calf kick for Edwards. Jab from Muhammad.

jab for Edwards but Muhammad fires back. Pressure from Muhammad and punches, then ducks in for another takedown. Edwards has an underhook and prevents being taken down again for now. Muhammad keeps working though and does manage to get Edwards down to a knee.

Edwards able to stand back up, but He’s now facing the fence as Muhammad stays clinched, hoists him into the air and essentially dumps him on his head.

Edwards survives that and gets back to a knee. He attempts to stand and Muhammad threatens with a couple of knees. Edwards back down to a knee. He stands again and Muhammad slams him back down. Muhammad trying to get the back more securely, but Edwards is trying to stand.

Edwards does stand and improves his position, then reverses the clinch. Edwards now trying for a takedown of his own and does so nicely. Muhammad gets his back against the cage and gradually stands before the round ends.

Round Three:

Calf kick for Edwards. He tries a head kick that’s blocked. Body kick for Muhammad as he presses into close quarters.

Jab for Edwards. Muhammad in for the takedown again and gets Edwards down. Edwards quickly back up though and nicely moves to take Muhammad’s back. Edwards sweeps out Muhammad’s leg and drags him down.

Edwards takes Muhammad’s back with both hooks in and is now starting to work for a rear-naked choke. He’s not get anything notable going as yet, but this is a good spot for the champion.

Half the round remaining. Edwards goes for the choke again, but it’s not close to being under the chin for now so he gives up on it.

Muhammad trying to scramble out of this. but is unable to for now. Edwards goes for the choke again, but Muhammad quickly fends that off.

A few punches to the body and one to the head from Edwards. A few more light punches to the head from Edwards. A punch from Edwards then tries to go back to the choke, but nothing happening there. The round ends with Edwards still comfortable on the back.

Round Four:

Head kick attempt from Edwards doesn’t connect. Quick flurry from Muhammad. Edwards with a big hook. Jab for Muhammad.

Muhammad with grazing hooks and and uppercut. Muhammad in on another takedown and gets it close to the cage. Muhammad has Edwards back with the hooks in.

We basically have a reversal of roles here from the previous rounds as Muhammad enjoys an extended spell of back control.

A few punches from Muhammad as he tries to soften up the champ. A minute to go. Muhammad now has his back up against the cage. More light hooks from him.

Edwards going for a reversal and after a few rolls he does end up on top and is trying to take Muhammad’s back as the round ends.

Round Five:

Left then a right from Muhammad. Edwards looking to punch and lands to the body.

Muhammad goes in on a takedown attempt and this time Edwards fends it off. Muhammad still pressuring constantly though. He lands a right hand.

Muhammad in for a takedown attempt against the cage. Edwards stays upright, but he’s facing the fence with Muhammad getting his back. Muhammad brings him down and gets the body triangle.

Muhammad in a great position here with less than half the round remaining. More light punches from the challenger.

Final minute with not too much happening. Edwards suddenly manages to reverse the position. He goes for the kill, landing a big elbow that opens a bad cut that instantly has Muhammad covered in blood.

Edwards setting himself and then goes for another elbow. Time’s not on Edwards side now and in the final seconds he puts together a few more strikes, but can’t find the finish he likely needs to retain his title.


A strong performance from Muhammad then, faring better than expected on the feet against Edwards this time around with his pressure-heavy style, while also landing some big takedowns and enjoying long spells of control on the mat.

Edwards had some moments too, including having several minutes of back control in the third round and he also split his opponent wide open with an elbow late in the fight, but it proved to be too little too late and so Muhammad wins by unanimous decision (48-47 x2, 49-46) to become the UFC’s new welterweight champion.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.