Dan Hooker Edges Out Split-Decision Win Over Mateusz Gamrot At UFC 305

Dan Hooker eeked out a split-decision victory over Mateusz Gamrot in a back-and-forth battle tonight at UFC 305.

Round One:

Body kick from Hooker as Gamrot backs up. Right hand from Gamrot as Hooker pressed forward. Front kick to the body from Hooker.

Another body kick from Hooker after feeling out with the jab. Gamrot misses a punch but then follows up with a nice body shot.

Right hand for Gamrot grazes the target and Hooker already has a small cut. Body kick for Hooker. Another body kick from Hooker but this time it’s caught and Gamrot uses it to work a takedown.

Gamrot stays patient as he looks to secure a better position here close to the cage. Hooker does well to manage to work back up again.

Body punch from Hooker but then he slumps after getting caught by a flush right hand. Now Gamrot works a takedown and immediately gets to work with mauling ground-and-pound.

Hooker manages to work himself over to the cage and stands back up. He’s able to break away from Gamrot’s grasp.

Hooker goes on the attack and unleashes a series of hooks and he gets rocked by one and lunges in for a takedown to try to recover.

Gamrot back to his feet and trying to survive as Hooker presses forward again. Gamrot gets tagged again, but then he fires back with a good punch. Gamrot gutting it out through some tough spots here late in the round, but Hooker is banged up too.

Round Two:

Hooker pressing forward to begin the second round. Hooker with a kick but Gamrot uses that to work a takedown.

Gamrot working in side control here. Not too much offense here as he just looks to control his opponent. hooker gets him back to butterfly hooks and then pushes away while trying to stand. Gamrot pounces on him to keep him down though.

Hooker gets over to the cage though and is able to use that to stand and return to striking range.

Hooker immediately back on the attack now. Right hook from Gamrot. Body kick for Hooker. Hooker presses forward with punches, but Gamrot counters and then moves away.

Gamrot works for a takedown and Hooker counters with a guillotine choke. Gamrot turns to escape that and then continues trying to work the takedown from his knees. Hooker able to land some nice elbows though.

Gamrot stands and presses Hooker into the cage while looking to set up another takedown opportunity. HOoker is able to circle out though and then gets right back into Gamrot’s face looking for punches.

There’s an exchange of strikes and then Gamrot dives on a takedown attempt at the end of the round that doesn’t pay off.

Round Three:

Body kick from Hooker is a bit slow and so it enables Gamrot to grab hold and work for a takedown. Hooker hops on one leg to stay upright, but then as he gets brought down works back to that guillotine choke. Gamrot escapes it again. Hooker able to stand back up.

As has been the case all fight long Hooker is immediately pressuring Gamrot, putting him on the back foot.

Short flurry of punches from Hooker. He works a punch to the body but he eats a right hand too in the process. Another right lands for Gamrot.

Jab for Gamrot as he’s backing up and circling. He lands again and pivots. Jabs exchanged. Gamrot lands his jab and then a nice straight right.

Jab again for Gamrot. He lands again then circles away to avoid Hooker’s offense. Gamrot goes for a takedown in the center of the Octagon, but Hooker pops back up.

Right hand for Hooker. Gamrot with an uppercut. Gamrot thinks for a takedown, but doesn’t commit to it.

Gamrot working for a single-leg against the cage now. He’s on his knees then back up again running Hooker over to the other side of the Octagon. He can’t get him down though and has to go back to striking range.

Hooker with a good right hand. He lands again. He gets a bit wild tough and that enables Gamrot to clinch up and presses Hooker into the Octagon.

Gamrot on his knees trying for the takedown, but Hooker escapes. Final seconds of the fight and Hooker lands one final big punch, and we’re headed to the scorecards after three intense rounds.


Very fun fight then and highly competitive too. Gamrot was able to get his wrestling game going at times, but Hooker defended against it well, stuffing some attempts and getting back to his feet multiple other times, and crucially he was immediately pouring the pressure on as soon as he could get back to striking range. That being said it wasn’t one-way traffic on the feet by any means, with Gamrot dropping him in the first round and leaving his face bloodied and swollen.

That leaves the judges with a choice to make, and in the end it’s Hooker’s gutsy display of heart and determination that earns him the split-decision nod (29-28 x2, 28-29).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously FightOfTheNight.com) in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.