Michelle Waterson but together a skillful display of mixed martial arts tonight at UFC On ESPN 2 to claim a unanimous decision victory over Karolina Kowalkiewicz.
Round One:
Leg kick lands for Waterson as Kowalkiewicz just misses with a counter punch. Leg kick for Kowalkiewicz as Waterson lands a straight.
Quick punches and a kick from Waterson. Leg kick lands for Kowalkiewicz and Waterson was looking to perhaps go for a takedown there, but doesn’t get it.
Leg kik for Kowalkiewicz. Now a right hook lands. Low leg kick for Waterson and then one in return from Kowalkiewicz higher up.
Oblique kick for Waterson. Inside leg kick for Kowalkiewicz. Both lands leg kicks. Overhand for Waterson. Side kick to the body from Waterson and then back to landing to the leg.
Side kick to the body again for Waterson. Low leg kick for Kowalkiewicz. Now another one. Third leg kick. Kick upstairs from Waterson blocked.
Push kick from Waterson, but two-pice combo for Kowalkiewicz lands on the counter. Leg kick lands for Kowalkiewicz, but the head kick after misses.
Kowalkiewicz moves into the clinch against the cage. Waterson reverses and lands an elbow. They go back to striking range and Waterson just misses with a spinning kick upstairs.
Body punch for Kowalkiewicz and then a few knees to the body as they clinch up. Nice elbow from Waterson to end the round.
Round Two:
Right hands land for Kowalkiewicz. Side kick to the leg from Waterson. Waterson repeatedly going for the oblique kick. Sticking right hand from Kowalkiewicz.
Nice right hand for Kowalkiewicz. Now a straight right for Waterson. Leg kicks land for her – three in a row.
Leg kick apiece and then a jab for Waterson. Kowalkiewicz catches a kick then moves into the clinch, but Waterson goes for the headlock throw and ends up in side control.
Hard elbow strike from Waterson. Now a body punch. Kowalkiewicz trying for a reverse triangle choke submission, but it doesn’t work out for her.
Waterson staying patient in side control. In desperation Kowalkiewicz starts throwing knees to the body from her back.
Suddenly Waterson goes for an armbar attempt and it looks tight. That could easily have been the end of the fight, but somehow Kowalkiewicz escapes to see the third round.
Round Three:
Clinch early in the final round and Kowalkiewicz works punches inside. Back to striking range and Waterson lands a kick.
Knee to the body from Kowalkiewicz. Uppercut for Waterson. She looks for oblique kicks, but Kowalkiewicz lands a leg kick.
Waterson tries for the headlock throw but this time it’s stuffed. Kowalkiewicz with a body shot. She lands a right hand. Upper body kick from Waterson.
Kowalkiewicz moves into the clinch against the cage. Waterson with a good knee to the body. Another knee for Waterson and then turns Kowalkiewicz into the cage and lands and elbow and knee.
Right hand for Waterson. Single leg for Waterson and she lands it. Waterson stands and Kowalkiewicz threatens with an upkick before she follows suit.
Waterson into the clinch again and presses Kowalkiewicz to the cage. She lands a good elbow upstairs. Spinning kick from Kowalkiewicz doesn’t really connect cleanly. Spinning kick from Waterson misses.
Waterson throwing high kick techniques in the final seconds without really finding a home for them.
Great display of mixed martial arts here from Waterson, looking crisp on her feet and strong in the clinch, while her ground game was on point too when required, leading to a unanimous decision victory (30-27 x3).