Song Yadong looked very assured on the feet tonight as he picked up a clean sweep on the scorecards against Vince Morales at UFC Fight Night 141 in China.
Round One:
Spinning body kick attempt for Yadong, but it misses. Yadong with nice footwork and then a left body kick. Double jab for Yadong doesn’t find the mark.
Yadong lands a right hook. Now a hard straight right for Morales. Spinning body kick for Yadong, and this time it does connect.
A couple of punches from Yadong and one from Morales in return. Good movement from Yadong so far. He throws a flying knee. Heavy-handed exchange in the center of the Octagon.
Body kick for Morales. Right hand for Yadong. Leg kick for him. Double jab and a straight right from Yadong. Now a spinning backfist followed by a hook.
Right hook sneaks through for the Chinese fighter. Final 10 seconds and Yadong suddenly bursts forward with punches and then throws a spinning kick upstairs.
Round Two:
Right hand for Yadong. Spinning kick misses. He connects with a body kick. Right hand followed by a body kick for him. Morales fires back though and connects with a nice right hand.
Spinning kick in the middle of an exchange from Yadong that just misses wide of the mark. Left hand for Yadong. Right hhand for Morales.
Leg kick from Yadong. Now he works the jab. Kick for Morales. Morales pumps out the jab. Spinning backfist from Yadong. He’s extremely fast, but Morales is sticking doggedly to his task and fires out a few punches.
Right hand counter from Morales. leg kick for Yadong. Spinning kick upstairs from Yadong is blocked. Good right hand counter again from the Chinese fighter.
Right and then a left from Yadong. He tries to piece together a few more punches, but Morales avoids the incoming fire.
Round Three:
Morales with body work to start the final 5mins. Leg kick for him. Double jab misses for Yadong but one does connect after that. Punch upstairs and then a head kick attempt from Yadong.
Morales looking for a punch and Yadong perfectly swoops in for a takedown underneath it. Yadong moves to half-guard. He steps over to full mount, but Morales does well to scramble out and back to his feet.
Yadong presses him to the cage. Morales reverses momentarily but then Yadong presses him back again. Yadong in on a takedown attempt and does well to land it.
Morales trying to work a triangle choke, but Yadong avoids that and settles in his opponent’s guard.
Butterfly guard from Morales to elevate Yadong and then he tries for a heel hook. Yadong takes his time and works out of that and gets on top again.
Morales back on his feet soon after. Morales throwing out punches, but Yadong’s head movement makes him an elusive target.
Right hook for Yadon in an exchange. Right hook for Morales too now. Both men exchanging in close. They clinch and Morales lands a knee.
Straight right for Morales. He’s getting more aggressive, but he really needs a finish here and he’s not finding the punches to make that happen and Yadong fires off a few hooks before the bell.
Slick performance from Yadong then and he emerges with a unanimous decision victory(30-27 x3).