Amanda Lemos opted to play it safe with lots of control on the mat against Iasmin Lucindo tonight at UFC 313 to earn a unanimous decision win.
Round One
Lucindo with an early head kick attempt. Lemos lands a low kick. Spinning kick attempt from Lucindo misses.
They clinch up and Lucindo presses Lemos into the cage. Lucindo thinking about a takedown, but then Lemos goes for a trip and manages to get on top. Lucindo already had a cut below her right eye.
Lucindo throws up her legs looking for a possible submission, but Lemos steers clear of that and remains on top.
Lucindo closes up her full guard and looks to stifle Lemos’ offensive opportunities. Not much happening and the crowd are impatient late in the round.
Round Two
Spinning kick from Lucindo misses. Lemos lands a body strike. Solid low kick from Lemos now almost knocked Lucindo off-balance.
Lucindo clinches up again against the cage. Lemos able to reverse the clinch. She tries to sweep Lucindo’s leg out, but doesn’t get her down. She goes to the foot sweep again and this time does bring Lucindo down.
Lemos trying tot pass guard, but Lucindo does a good job of bringing her back to full guard. Lemos posturing up and Lucindo wall walks, but doesn’t get much going from it.
Not much happening again as Lemos settles for a long spell of control time. Only in the final 10 seconds of the round does she get to work with a few strikes.
Round Three
Lucindo starts with a spinning attack but loses her balance. She clinches up and manages to get a trip, landing on top in half-guard.
Lemos trying to get her guard back, but it’s Lucindo who almost gets to side control, before having to settle for half-guard again.
Nice pass to side control for Lucindo now. Three minutes left to work and Lucindo needs a finish to win the fight at this stage.
Lemos using her strength to try to stifle Lucindo’s offense. Lucindo with a couple of elbows. Lemos wall walks and gets the space to scramble back to her feet. Lemos then lands a quick takedown of her own.
Lemos opting for control time again now as they head into the final minute of the fight. Lucindo has her full guard closed here. Bizarrely the fight actually ends five seconds before it should have, but noting much was happening in those final moments anyway.
Not the most exciting or eventful fight then, but nonetheless Lemos’s takedowns and control time on top over the course of the fight ensure she emerges with a comfortable unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).