Bobby Green Submits Tony Ferguson With 6 Seconds To Go At UFC 291

Bobby Green waited until the final 10 seconds of his fight with Tony Ferguson tonight at UFC 291 to find an arm-triangle choke finish.

Round One:

Reaching right hand lands for Green. Ferguson light on his feet on the outside as he switches stances frequently.

Lunging punch to the body for Ferguson. He gets in close again and Green fires off a combo to back him off.

Ferguson drives into a takedown attempt, doesn’t get it, but spins around to the back and looks for a trip. Green does well to defend it though and get back to striking range.

Glancing body punch for Ferguson and a hook too on the other side. Green with a hook of his own.

Leg kick for Ferguson. Green rushes in but eats a punch and has to back off. Ferguson whiffs on a left hook. Now Green missing on an overhand.

Hard one-two lands for Green. Right hand for Ferguson drops Green, but he gets right back up. Big moment for Ferguson.

They look to exchange again and unfortunately Ferguson suffers an eyepoke and is given time to recover.

Ferguson says he’s ok to continue and they go back to it. Missed hook from Ferguson. Ferguson leaning over to his left and Green threatens with a head kick attempt.

Solid one-two for Green. He lands another right hand now. Straight punch lands for Ferguson. He misses with a spinning backfist. Body kick lands for Green.

Side kick for Green to the body. Green pops out the straight left but only grazes the target. Body punch for him and Ferguson fires back with punches upstairs.

Hard one-two for Green yet again. Now Ferguson comes forward with a couple of quick connections and Green lands another of his own in return.

Round Two:

Head kick attempt from Green misses and Ferguson thinks about a spinning attack but abandons it. Ferguson threatening for a takedown, but nothing comes of it.

Ferguson dives into an ankle pick and doesn’t get it, but does manufacture an opportunity to work on the mat as Green gets on top. Green landing some hard ground-and-pound as Ferguson tries to fish for potential submission attempts.

Green in Ferguson’s full guard now. He passes to half-guard briefly and then backs out. Not all the way though and he drops back in. He lands a nice hammerfist. Green posturing up for more punches. Ferguson constantly moving on his back trying to find a submission opportunity, but nothing coming so far and he’s starting to get hit with some big punches and elbows.

Ferguson lands an elbow from his back and then soon after Green opts to stand back up.

Ferguson pressing forward but eats a hook from Green. Front kick to the body from Green and now a jab. Short uppercut from Ferguson and another punch behind it. Green lands a punch as he backs up and then sticks the jab out.

Front kick to the body from Green and Ferguson countered with a punch. Solid right and a left behind it from Ferguson in the final action of the round.

Round Three:

Ferguson reaching for a punch but eats a right hand counter. Green with a kick. Low kick for Ferguson as Green lands a punch.

Ferguson continuing to try to pressure but Green is happy to work off the back foot. He lands a punch to the body and now an overhand.

Right hand from Ferguson. Another punch to the body for Green. Jab from Green and a body kick. Now an inside leg kick. Back to a crisp jab.

One-two for Green. Right hand gets through for Ferguson. Another couple of punches land for him. leg kick for Green and a one-two behind it. More jabs from Green follow.

Ferguson feeling out with the jab and Green lands a straight left. Green backs up and lands another left. Low kick for Ferguson and Green shakes his head. Ferguson responds by landing a couple more leg kicks.

Ferguson goes for a kick and Green knocks him off-balance to the mat for a moment.

Hard right for Ferguson. Chopping right hand from Green. Now Green looking to clinch up and Ferguson opts to roll. Green settles on top and gets to half-guard.

Green setting up an arm-triangle from half-guard and it looks promising late in the round. Now he’s able to move to side control to fully lock this in. Ferguson bucking his legs trying to escape, but he’s unable to and eventually goes limp for a moment, which is the ref’s cue to end the fight at 4.54mins of the final round.

Green looked to be winning the fight anyway, but that submission stoppage in the final seconds of the fight was the icing on the cake and hands Ferguson his 6th loss in a row.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.