Brendan Schaub Wades In With Another Post Ripping Into Dana White

The gloves are off in Brendan Schaub and Dana White’s escalating feud, with the former fighter now having issued a lengthy post ripping into his former boss.

Apparently White crossed the line yesterday when he suggested on Instagram that Schaub had only been successful in his post-fight career because of his friendship with Joe Rogan, and so Schaub has now taken it upon himself to escalate the bad blood between them even further.

“This is hilarious. Yes, Joe Rogan, one of my best friends has played a significant role in my post fight career, no doubt, you’re right about that DW. Two tv shows, sold out world wide comedy tour, two successful podcast, and just booked my first major movie. Super grateful,” Schaub wrote on Instagram.

“HOWEVER, if it weren’t for the Fertitta’s loaning your ass millions of dollars to invest into an idea that wasn’t yours from the start you wouldn’t be (EXPLETIVE). How’s it feel to know once the real businessmen/Brains left, the UFC has been a shell of its self with you at the forefront. You’ve tried it all CM Punk experiment, begging Brock to come back, and praying at night for a Conor text. Tough job to do with out Lorenzo holding your hand making sure you don’t mess it all up. Can’t feel good. You’d be a cardio kick boxing coach in Boston in your late 40’s, hoping to grab a ticket to my stand up front row if Lorenzo Fertitta didn’t save your ass. Also, this is NO way Eskimo brothers should talk to one another. Last warning. 🤫”

If the ‘Eskimo brothers’ reference flew over your head, that is a term used to describe two guys who have had sex with the same girl.

So who could he possibly be referring to?

Well, considering the fact that Schaub previously took a swipe at White for ‘folding Ronda Rousey’s laundry’ and he himself just so happened to have once dated the former UFC superstar, it doesn’t seem to be too hard to figure out what he’s getting at.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.