Caio Borralho KO’s Paul Craig In 2nd Round At UFC 301

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Caio Borralho was easily able to outstrike Paul Craig tonight at UFC 301 before putting the icing on the cake with a second round knockout finish. Round One: Side kick to the leg from Borralho to start. Body kick for Craig. Borralho tries for a front kick that Craig almost catches. A couple of punches ...

Caio Borralho was easily able to outstrike Paul Craig tonight at UFC 301 before putting the icing on the cake with a second round knockout finish.

Round One:

Side kick to the leg from Borralho to start. Body kick for Craig. Borralho tries for a front kick that Craig almost catches.

A couple of punches land for Borralho. He goes for a body kick, but Craig is able to clinch up and works over to the cage. He’s working on a takedown and gets Borralho down to a knee, but then he stands back up. Now Borralho attempts a trip and then gets Craig to the mat, only to then back off and motion Craig to stand.

Borralho blasts Craig with a couple of punches. Craig attempting a takedown and fails. Borralho lands to the head again.

Body kick for Craig. He tries for a takedown and Borralho stuffs it and then avoids Craig’s attempt to pull guard.

Borralho snapping Craig’s head back easily every time he goes upstairs. Another failed takedown from Craig. Borralho already looking very confident here.

Borralho attempts a head kick that’s blocked. Body kick from Craig. Now a knee to the body. Straight punch from Borralho.A couple of kicks from Craig. Leg kick from Borralho.

Round Two:

Body kick from Borralho. Craig sends out kicks to all levels. Another body kick from Craig. Reaching punch from Borralho. Body kick again for Craig.

Straight right lands for Craig as Borralho also throws his. Big straight left from Borralho may have hurt Craig and he goes in looking for more. Craig goes to the mat briefly from a knee strike, but is right back up.

Body kick for Craig. Left hand for Borralho. Craig throws a punch but eats a bigger one in return from Borralho. Craig is rocked and as he retreats is caught with more punches, then slumps vertically to the canvas after another left hand lands clean. Borralho wins by KO at 2.10mins of the second round!

Ross Cole
Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.

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