Ciryl Gane narrowly emerged victorious by split-decision against Alexander Volkov in their rematch tonight at UFC 310 in Las Vegas.
Round One:
Leg kicks for Volkov to start. Gane lands his own. Another kick from Gane, but this time Volkov catches it and brings him to the mat.
Volkov in side control with four minutes of the round remaining. Gane tries to scramble up, but Volkov stays on top. Gane tries again and this time does get back up and presses Volkov into the cage. Volkov reverses but only briefly before Gane returns to the center of the Octagon.
Gane pumps out the jab. Gane in on a double-leg takedown and lands it. He’s now in Volkov’s closed guard parallel to the cage with two minutes of the round remaining.
Gane with a few punches. He postures up and then goes for a leg lock, but it doesn’t pay off for him and Volkov is able to get back to his feet soon after.
Body kick for Volkov. Head kick attempt from Volkov doesn’t get through but a punch behind it does. Big step-in knee for Gane. Volkov lands a takedown and Gane immediately counters with a guillotine choke attempt. Final 10 seconds of the round with Gane still working on this choke, but Volkov manages to survive.
Round Two:
Oblique kick from Gane. He lands that again. Volkov barrels forward behind punches and Gane lands a counter in response.
Gane kicks to the leg. Jab for Gane and a spinning backfist lands for Volkov. Gane takes it though. Volkov threatens with a head kick attempt as Gane was ducking to the side.
Volkov with a head kick that grazes the target. Now a body kick from him too. Leg kick for Gane. Jab for Gane and then a right hand over the top.
Leg kick for Volkov. Leg kick for Gane. High kick attempt from Volkov. Calf kick for Volkov. Now a jab. Uppercut for Gane.
Oblique kick from Gane. Good body punch from Gane. Inside leg kick from him. Three-piece combo from Gane and Volkov fires back. Volkov with a standing guillotine choke, but Gane takes him down and is in side control. Volkov continues to hold onto the choke but eventually lets go and they go back to the feet for the remaining time in the round.
Round Three:
Strikes in close from both heavyweights to start the third without landing cleanly. Leg kick for Gane. Jab for Volkov. Volkov tries for a takedown, but Gane spins as they go to the mat to try to avoid being put flat on his back. Battle for position, but then Gane starts working on a potential kimura submission attempt.
Volkov with some light punches while still defending against the kimura. Volkov gradually improving his position. Bit of a stalemate position now until Gane finally lets go of the submission. Still a bit of an awkward position though as Volkov lands some very light strikes. Not a whole lot going on this round, but Volkov was technically on top there and at least making some attempt to throw strikes, even if there was nothing behind them.
This was a fairly close fight, but with Volkov getting the better of an awkward third round it felt like he might just have done enough to emerge victorious, but no, it’s Gane who emerges the winner via split-decision (29-28 x2, 28-29).
Gane seemed surprised by the verdict and initially decides to just leave the Octagon immediately after the decision, but reluctantly comes back for a post-fight interview. He says he’s not happy with his performance and also reveals that he broke some toes while throwing his first kick of the fight.