Cody Brundage got the better of a wild first round brawl with Julian Marquez that at one point saw them both lose their mouth guards tonight at UFC Fight Night 253, before going on to deliver a nasty TKO finish.
Round One
Body kick for Brundage. Now a knee to the body and then a right hand. He lands again and Marquez is backing off now.
Good straight right for Brundage. Marquez looking a little hesitant to engage. Low kick from Marquez. Jab and then an overhand from Brundage.
Another punch for Brundage. Marquez finally unleashes a heavy right hand. Brundage capitalizes on a stumble from Marquez and works for a choke as his opponent is on his knees. Marquez able to get out and back to his feet.
Glancing left hand for Marquez. Now a left hook from him. Head kick attempt from Brundage. Brundage with a jab. Now a leg kick.
Thumping right hand from Marquez sends Brundage’s mouthpiece flying. Marquez clinches up and thinks about a choke, but then goes back to striking.
Brundage fires back as the fight turns into an all-out war, and now he’s knocked Marquez’s mouthpiece out too!! They are still trading blows regardless, but then the ref mercifully stops them for a moment to get their mouth guards back in.
Back to it they go now, immediately slinging heavy leather. Brundage with a big uppercut. Marquez tries to fight through it and lands a punch, but then Brundage connects with three punches in a row that leaves Marquez wobbled.
Brundage getting the better of this wild brawl and then blasts Marquez with a big punch that rocks him to his core and sends him crashing straight down to the canvas. Brundage keeps him grounded with big punches and that’s it, he secures the TKO Finish at 4.44mins of a crazy first round.