Conor McGregor Caught On Camera Punching Old Man In Pub

Conor McGregor has again tarnished his reputation outside of the Octagon as video footage has emerged of him punching an old man in a pub in his native Ireland.

According to TMZ Sports the incident occurred back on April 6th and footage shows McGregor walking into the Marble Arch pub in Dublin and lining up a round of his Proper Twelve whiskey for everyone at the bar.

However, an old gentleman next to him apparently refuses the drink, which angers McGregor enough that soon afterwards he suckerpunches him with his ‘Notorious’ left hand.

To his credit, the old man barely even reacts to the punch and McGregor is immediately dragged out of the pub by two of his friends.

Police investigated the incident at the time, but at this time it’s believed that no charges have been pressed, despite officers reportedly having viewed the video evidence.

McGregor has repeatedly been shown to be behaving badly over the past few years, including an allegation of rape, throwing a steel dolley throw a bus window at Khabib Nurmagomedov and video footage of him smashing a man’s mobile phone to name but a few troubling incidents.

So far McGregor and the UFC have not commented on his latest act of violence, but certainly if this was anyone else but the sport’s biggest star then there would likely be serious repercussions for his actions.

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