Fares Ziam KO’s Matt Frevola With Brutal Knee At UFC Fight Night 243

Fares Ziam made a big statement tonight at UFC Fight Night 243 with a very convincing performance against Matt Frevola that was capped off by a stunning highlight-reel knee-strike KO in the final round.

Round One:

Front kick upstairs from Ziam early comes close. Frevola misses with an overhand but gets into the clinch against the cage. Ziam able to throw a knee and move away.

Nice straight punches from Ziam. He tries a kick and Frevola catches it. He’s trying to get a takedown against the cage now, but Ziam resisting. Frevola adjusts and peels him away from the cage while executing a successful takedown.

Frevola in Ziam’s guard now with over three minutes of the opening round remaining.

Frevola scrambles to his knees though and looks to stand. Frevola snatches on a guillotine choke though and rolls into full mount with it.

Ziam able to gets his head free though, but he remains mounted. There’s a scramble and Frevola goes for an armbar. Ziam escapes though and is now on top. He throws a few punches and Frevola moves to his knees then stands against the cage.

Frevola attempts a throw but Ziam gets straight back up and is able to break away. Ziam’s striking looks sharp tonight. He lands a big punch and Frevola looks wobbled.

Frevola toughs it out for now. Ziam taking his time but he lands another good straight punch down the pipe. He steps into a short uppercut now and then clinches up against the cage.

Knee to the body from Frevola and body punches from Ziam as he presses his opponent to the cage. Frevola gets some space and swings hard, but Ziam counters nicely as the round comes to an end.

Round Two:

Jumping knee from Ziam but Frevola had stepped aside. Frevola feels out with the jab. Punch lands for Ziam. nice combination for him punctuated by a kick.

One-two for Ziam. Frevola tries a spinning kick upstairs but misses. Body punches for Ziam. Good range management from Ziam as he backs off more strikes. Frevola presses forward again and Ziam counters with an elbow as punches fly his way.

Frevola into the clinch now, but then Ziam reverses while landing an elbow. Back to striking range and Frevola throws out a combo.

Heavy elbow over the top from Ziam. Now he punches to the body and clinches up against the cage. Knee to the body from him. Frevola reverses the clinch position. Ziam peels away while landing a right hook.

Body punch and a glancing blow to the head from Ziam. Body kick comes off the arm. Now a jab then threatens with an uppercut.

Snapping jab lands a couple of times for Ziam. Brief exchange and then Ziam surprises Frevola by scooping him up and landing a takedown.

Now Ziam has the back and attempts a rear-naked choke, but Frevola survives that attempt. Nice elbow from Ziam as Frevola is turtled up. A few more punches land for Ziam as the round comes to a close.

Round Three:

Missed overhand from Frevola. And again. jab lands for Ziam. Now a big kick upstairs that grazes the target. Ziam switches things up with a takedown attempt against the cage. Frevola defending successfully for now, but then Ziam does manage to disrupt his base and land it.

Ziam on top and Frevola gets to his knees. Ziam spins around to keep on top. Frevola does stand with his back to the cage though.

Ziam drags Frevola to the mat and has his back. Frevola turns into him though and forces a scramble, but Ziam continues to maintain control. Frevola stands with Ziam still with a hand around his waist.

Frevola attempts to break free, but is greeted by a big knee to the jawline that knocks Frevola out cold at 2.59mins of the final round!

What a finish from Ziam to cap off a very impressive performance. Easily his best performance to date and gave him an opportunity to show off how well-rounded he is against a tough veteran.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously FightOfTheNight.com) in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.