Hyder Amil was able to get the edge over William Gomis by split-decision tonight at UFC Fight Night 253.
Round One
Solid body kick from Gomis, but Amil caught it and works for a takedown. There’s a scramble and Gomis manages to get back up.
After Gomis is warned not to grab the fence the fight continues. Gomis able to punch his way back into the clinch. Gomis defending a potential takedown attempt though and then reverses the clinch. Amil trying to break free and they jockey for position before going back to striking range.
Amil pressuring forward. He lands a punch to the body as Gomis works for a knee to the midsection. Amil clinching up, but Gomis is able to get back out of it.
Inside leg kick from Gomis. Now a grazing right hook for him. Amil moving in and Gomis clinches up and works him into the cage. Knee to the body for Gomis before they break away.
Gomis with a kick. Amil clinches up again as he continues to try to apply constant pressure. Spinning elbow lands for Gomis to break away. Now a knee strike. He tries the spinning elbow again but misses this time. Amil with a punch. Gomis returning fire.
Gomis goes back to the spinning elbow again but misses. Flurry of strikes from Amil into a spinning backfist. Final seconds of the round and Amil fires off a big head kick.
Round Two
Inside leg kick for Gomis. Amil presses into range with punches and Gomis returns fire with straight punches. Amil clinches up, but Gomis lands a knee to the body and then disengages.
Gomis with cleaner punches, but Gomis is applying relentless pressure and unleashing solid combos.
Good straight lefts landing for Gomis, but Amil marches forward regardless. Right hand for Amil. Nice right for Gomis. Amil with a punch and then clinches, but Gomis soon pushes him away.
Low kick for Gomis. He ducks under a punch. Amil clinches again and presses Gomis into the cage. Body punch for Amil and then more strikes upstairs. Gomis lands after that flurry.
Low kicks exchanged. Amil punches back into the clinch. Gomis pushes him away. Straight punch for Gomis, but two come in return from Amil.
Amil into the clinch and working for a takedown, but Gomis stuffs it. Body punch for Amil and a body kick from Gomis in return. Amil into the clinch once again and lands a couple of knees to the thigh.
Round Three
Leg kicks exchanged. Amil trying to punch in the clinch, but Gomis fends him off with punches of his own.
Jabs for Amil. Leg kick for Gomis. Jab for Amil and then a low kick. Uppercut from Gomis, but Amil lands a cleaner punch.
Body punch for Amil. Low kick from him. Series of low kicks from Gomis. Amil continues coming forward as he has done all fight long. Spinning elbow attempt from Gomis misses.
Amil lands a good punch. He clinches up again and this time is able to get a takedown. Gomis on his knees and Amil is punching as he tries to work back to his feet..
Gomis does get up now with two minutes of the round remaining. More pressure from Gomis. Push kicks from Gomis. Right hands from Amil. Glancing punch from Gomis. Punches exchanged in close.
Body kick for Amil and eats a punch. Kick from Gomis. Amil with a knee from the clinch then back to striking range.
One-two for Amil. Punches from Gomis, but not landing cleanly. Uppercut to the head and then body from Amil. He goes for a throw but it doesn’t quite pay off. Gomis circling now to get some space. Amil with a final body punch.
A competitive fight then, with both fighters finding a home for their strikes throughout the three rounds. Gomis work was cleaner and left his opponent’s face more visibly marked up, but Amil’s constant forward pressure and aggression proves to the be the difference-maker as he emerges with a split-decision victory (29-28 x2, 28-29).