Jairzinho Rozenstruik Defeats Shamil Gaziev By TKO At UFC Fight Night 238

Jairzinho Rozenstruik was able to work comfortably behind his jab against Shamil Gaziev tonight at UFC Fight Night 238 all the way to the end of the fourth round when the ref waved off the fight due to Gaziev appearing to be reluctant to go back out for the final five minutes due to vision problems.

Round One:

The heavyweight main event is underway in Las Vegas!

Calf kick for Rozenstruik. Gaziev attempts a takedown, but Rozenstruik moves out the way.

Grazing punches from both men. Right hand lands for Rozenstruik. Jab lands for him too. Now a calf kick. Gaziev continues pressuring forward though.

Another jab for Rozenstruik. Telegraphed takedown from Gaziev that Rozenstruik prevents comfortably.

Right hand misses from Rozenstruik. Gaziev takedown stuffed easily. Glancing left hook and then a right hook from Gaziev.

Right hand from Rozenstruik. Now back to the jab. Left hook grazes the target from Gaziev. Rozenstruik lands a punch and Gaziev responds with a short flurry, then into the clinch against the cage.

Knee to the body from Rozenstruik. However, now Gaziev is working on a single-leg and brings him to the mat. Gaziev in half-guard. A couple of punches land, but not too much urgency from Gaziev to land offense on top as the round comes to a close.

Round Two:

Jab from Rozenstruik. He lands it again. Gaziev slowly stalking forward. Both try to land a right hand. Stepping jab from Gaziev.

Big step-in knee to the body from Gaziev. Awkward right hand gets through for him. Jab for Rozenstruik. Now a calf kick from Rozenstruik. He lands another jab.

A couple of jabs land upstairs for Rozenstruik. Again he lands it. Single-leg attempt from Gaziev. Rozenstruik defends against that and Gaziev settles for clinching against the cage.

A knee to the body each. Action stalling a bit here in the clinch. Nothing happening as the round comes to a close.

Round Three:

Calf kick for Rozenstruik. Right hand gets through from Gaziev. Jab still finding a home for Rozenstruik.

More jabs landing for Rozenstruik. Gaziev with a grazing left hook. Rozenstruik working that jab and Gaziev not doing much to avoid these as he stands in front of him.

Jab lands, then again. Now one to the body. Now a right hand gets through for Rozenstruik. Back to the body with the jab.

Ripping punch to the body from Rozenstruik now, finally showing a bit of aggression. jab and a leg kick. A couple of straight punches land for Gaziev. Solid jab for Rozenstruik.

Right hand lands for Gaziev. Jab for Rozenstruik. More land and then a calf kick. Rozenstruik steps into the jab. He lands that left hand several more times before the end of the round.

Round Four:

Guess what? Rozenstruik is straight back on the jab. He’s pumping it out more frequently now and lands the calf kick too.

Another calf kick lands. Back to the jabs. Gaziev with a flurry to close the distance and work for a takedown. It doesn’t work out and he has to settle for the clinch against the cage instead.

Rozenstruik manages to get away, avoiding an elbow strike as he does so. Low kick for Rozenstruik. Gaziev breathing heavily. Rozenstruik still comfortable popping out the jab at his own pace.

Heavy left and right hooks from Rozenstruik. He’s getting more aggressive as he wades in again, but doesn’t land as cleanly.

Back to working the jab now including one to the body. Another lands to the midsection. Jab, punch to the body and a solid calf kick land.

Missed one-two from Gaziev. A couple of jabs and knocks Gaziev’s mouthpiece out. Rozenstruik doesn’t try to capitalize and gives him time to retrieve it.

Rozenstruik attacking with urgency in the final seconds of the round, seeming to see the potential for a finish inside the distance now.

There was a lot of discussion between Gaziev and his cornermen inbetween rounds. It’s not clear what’s going on but it forces the ref Marc Goddard to delay the start of the final round as they try to figure out what’s happening.

Apparently Gaziev was telling his corner he can’t see out of one eye. It’s not clear what caused that as there isn’t visible damage. It looks like he doesn’t want to continue. Goddard’s heard enough and waves the fight off. Rozenstruik wins by TKO at 5.00mins of round 4.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously FightOfTheNight.com) in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.