It was one-way traffic for Jake Matthews against Andre Fialho tonight at UFC 275 as he quickly got the better of the striking action and then had his opponent hurt on multiple occasions before finally delivering a knockout blow midway through the second round.
Round One:
Early leg kick for Matthews. He lands another. He takes his time and then lands it again. Now Fialho lands a leg kick of his own.
Matthews catches Fialho with a nice shot as his opponent was coming forward. He tries for a head kick now.
Body kick for Matthews. Back to the calf kick. Stepping jab for Matthews too. Another dart forward to land a strikes. Now a nice punch that sends Fialho backwards.
Fialho still trying to find his own way into the fight. He tries for a flurry, but it’s Matthews who fires back with more big punches that put him on the back foot.
Matthews stomps at the lead leg of Fialho. Left hook lands for Matthews. Fialho lets his own hands fly, but it’s again Matthews who gets the better of the exchange as he snaps his head back with more punches.
Just when the fight seems to be swinging drastically in Matthews favor, Fialho catches Matthews with a punch to the temple that rocks him, though there’s not much time left in the round to capitalize on that.
Round Two:
Uppercut from Matthews as Fialho has him backed up against the cage. He lands another hurtful blow that troubles Fialho. Matthews stalking him and stuns him again.
Fialho somehow still standing but still not letting his own offense go a Matthews is brimming with confidence and connects again upstairs.
Finally Fialho lands a punch over the top, but Matthews presses forward and goes back to work, landing a big left hook and then more punches behind it, and Fialho is rocked once again, before finally slumping to the mat from a huge right hook, sealing a great KO win for Matthews at 2.24mins of the second round.