Davey Grant threw everything but the kitchen sink at Jonathan Martinez tonight at UFC Fight Night 187, and that strategy finally paid off for him in the second round as he landed a left hook that led him to a KO victory.
Round One:
Jumping front kick to the body attempted by Grant to start. Martinez with a leg kick and Grant lands one of his own. Another calf kick from Grant.
Head kicks attempted from both here. Right hand from Grant. Body kick for Grant. Head kick attempt again from Martinez. Solid leg kick from him does connect.
Grant with another kick. Jumping side kick to the thigh from Grant. Now a side kick to the body. He lands a leg kick.
Calf kick for Martinez. Grant lands one. Front kick to the body from Grant. Another heavy calf kick on the inside from Martinez, and then lands another.
Outside calf kick from Grant. Spinning kick from Grant misses. Hard outside leg kick from Martinez. Now a body kick. Inside leg kick for Grant.
Solid left hand coutner from Martinez. Head kick attempt from Grant is blocked. Grant misses on a spinning body kick.
Left hand and then a heavy right from Grant. Outside leg kick for Martinez. Front kick to the body from Martinez.
Looping hooks from Grant. Wide left hook from Martinez drops Grant. Martinez goes into Grant’s guard, but there’s barely 15 seconds left in the round. Grant working to his feet as the round ends.
Round Two:
Grant admits inbetween rounds that his leg is killing him after Martinez’s calf kicks.
Side kick to the body from Grant. Body kick from MArtinez and stumbles for a moment after that. Grant capitalizes by landing a punch. He lands again. Grant attempts a takedown, but Martinez defends it well.
Grant swinging a bit wild. He lands a body punch. Body kick from Martinez. Hook to the body from Grant. Martinez with a stomp to the knee.
Spinning backfist attempt from Grant misses. left hand from Martinez. Head kick attempt from him is blocked. Solid jab from Martinez.
Hard left and right lands for Grant. Now an outside leg kick and a body kick behind it. Left hand for Martinez. Body punch for Grant.
Now a left hand for Grant and Martinez returns fire with one of his own. Jab for Martinez. Big right hand to the body from Grant and then a winging left hook that sinks Martinez to the canvas. he goes for follow-up strikes on the mat and the ref quickly dives in to wave off the fight! Big underdog KO win for Grant at 3.03mins of the second round!