Round One:
Body kick for Roberson to start. Marshman unlaods a few punches. Roberson flashes out a head kick attempt. Roberson moves into the clinch and presses Marshman against the cage.
Marshman gets out and goes back to the center of the cage. Counter left hand from Roberson. Big strike lands for the kickboxer. Now another leg kick. Marshman tries to let his hands go, but Roberson steers clear.
Leg kick for Marshman. Body kick for Roberson. He ducks nicely away from Marshman’s punches. Leg kick for Marshamn, but a much harder one in return from Roberson.
Roberson flurries, but Marshman does his best to return fire. Front kick to the body from Roberson. Leg kick for Marshman. Leg kick for Roberson and Marshman is a bit too slow to land his counters.
Marshman with a nice shot to the body. Body kick for Roberson. Leg kick for Marshman. Three-piece combo to the body and head from Marshman. Body kick again from Roberson.
Round Two:
Marshman feeling out with the jab to keep range. High body kick from Roberson. Straight punch from Roberson. Flurry of punches from Marshman.
Leg kick for Marshman. Well timed left hand from Roberson puts Marshman back on his heels momentarily. Body punches from Roberson. Leg kick from Marshman.
Body kick from Roberson. Left hand now. Right hand for Marshman. Body punch from Roberson. One-two from Marshman. Now he unloads a few punches, but Roberson lands a counter.
Now Roberson switches things up nicely, landing a takedown. Roberson in side control. He lands some punches to the side of his opponent’s head.
Almost a minute remaining with Roberson still keeping Marshman flat on his back. Roberson opting for control here rather than getting to active with strikes or improving position, but he remains there on top til the end of the round.
Round Three:
Roberson steps back and then lands a big counter left. Now a kick from Roberson despite him having admitted inbetween rounds that he’d hurt that same leg in the second round.
Body kick from Roberson again. Marshman misses with the leg kick. Huge counter left from Roberson, but Marshman takes it. Another left for Roberson. Marshman’s mouthpiece falls out and he picks it straight back up and gets back to work.
Roberson continuing to make good use of that left hand. Now he works for a takedown and lands it well. Roberson working again in side control.
He takes his time and drops a few elbows down to the head. Now Roberson steps into full mount in the final minute of the fight. Clipping left hand for Roberson. Roberson postures up and lands a couple of elbows before the final bell.
No doubts about the winner here, Roberson earns himself a convincing unanimous decision victory (30-26 x2, 30-27).