Movsar Evloev Beats Dan Ige By Unanimous Decision At UFC Fight Night 207

Movsar Evloev was in dominant form today at UFC Fight Night 207 as he got the better of Dan Ige wherever the action went against Dan Ige to win decisively on the scorecards.

Round One:

Ige lands with a double jab. Leg kick for Evloev. Ige with a flurry of punches that sends Evloev on his heels.

Ige steps into another double jab. He lands a body punch. Counter right hook from Evloev comes off the guard.

One-two for Evloev as Ige is looking for a kick. Push kick for Evloev now. He tries for a spinning kick but misses. He does land a leg kick though.

Jab from Evloev. Ige back to that double jab. Ige lands nicely. Body punch from Ige, but Evloev counters with a big knee upstairs that lands. Ige manages to take it though.

Hard one-two from Evloev. Now he grabs hold of a leg and lands his first takedown of the night. Ige works to his feet soon after, but Evloev has his back and slams him back down. Ige up again, but still Evloev is clinched to his back and works him down again.

Up again Ige goes and this time he manages to turn into Evloev. They jockey for position against the cage and then Evloev opts to step back to striking range.

Ige with a jab. Body kick from Evloev as the round is drawing to a close.

Round Two:

Head kick attempt from Evloev. Ige looking for punches but doesn’t find the target this time. One-two for Evloev off the guard. Eye-poke to Ige forces a brief stoppage, but he’s ok.

Right hand and an uppercut from Evloev. He thinks about a takedown, but quickly changes his mind.

Ige with a big left hand. A couple of exchanges of punches at close range. Jumping knee again from Evloev.

Ige flashes out an uppercut that just misses. He lands a leg kick though. Now a jab gets through. leg kick again, but Evloev throws a big punch at the same time.

Evloev with a front kick to the body. Right hand for him. Almost a clash of heads as Evloev stepped in off a kick. Punch lands for Ige.

left hook for Ige. Right hand from Evloev. Another right for Ige. Ige’s face bloodied and swollen, but he’s keeping things competitive.

Double jab from Evloev then immediately swoops down and lands a nice takedown. He settles into Ige’s full guard for now.

Elbow strike lands for Evloev after a few body punches. Not too much else gets through in the remaining seconds of the round.

Round Three:

Kick from Evloev strays to the groin but Ige says he’s ok to continue. Evloev in on a takedown and lands it. He swiftly manages to take Ige’s back. Ige working over to the cage though and looking to stand. He does so, but Evloev is clinched to his back and tries for another takedown, dumping him down at the second attempt.

Ige on his knees and working up to his feet again against the cage, but Evloev fights to keep him down and then scrambles.

Ige turtled up on the mat and then is able to stand. Evloev brings him down again, but Ige is scrambling now and trying to turn the screw. Evloev still has top pressure though and lands a few strikes to the head as Ige turtles up again.

More hammerfists from Evloev and now gets back to inside Ige’s guard. He’s looking for ground and pound and then has to briefly stop to escape a triangle coke attempt. Almeida readjust and gets to the back. Ige scrambling and almost gets on top, then back to his feet.

Ige looking for a big punch, but Almeida is already going for another takedown and lands it. Final 10 seconds and he looks for a few short elbow strikes.


No doubt about the winner here with Almeida looking impressive on the feet and dominated on the mat to claim a unanimous decision victory (30-26, 30-27 x2).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.