Nazim Sadykhov was coming off second-best for much of the first round in his fight with Ismael Bonfim tonight at UFC Fight Night 251, but then a question-mark kick to the head compromised his opponent’s vision and led to a doctor’s stoppage.
Round One
Bonfim with a solid one-two to start. Now a low kick from him as Sadykhov didn’t commit to a spinning attack. Body kick for Sadykhov.
Sadykhov misses with a spinnin backfist. Right hook for Bonfim. Now a low kick. Check hook for Bonfim as Sadykhov looked for a straight.
Kick for Sadykhov. One-two for Bonfim. He throws another left followed by the right. Side kick to the body from Sadykhov. Inside leg kick from Sadykhov.
Bonfim lands a body punch. Now he lands to the head. Jab connects for him. Another 1-2 lands. Body kick for Sadykhov.
Sadykhov tries to land a punch but eats a right hand from Bonfim. Low kick for Bonfim, but Sadykhov lands a glancing hook.
Thudding body kick for Bonfim. Leg kick for Sadykhov and then one to the body. Calf kick for Bonfim. Question-mark kick from Sadykhov lands and Bonfim wipes at his eye. Uppercuts from Sadykhov.
Bonfim looks a bit unsteady as he backs off. Sadykhov into the clinch against the cage and Bonfim is wincing with a nasty cut forming below his right eye.
Inbetween rounds Bonfim tells his corner that he can’t see out of his right eye after eating that head kick.
The ref seems to have picked up on that as the doctor comes in to check on him before the start of the second round. There’s a bit of a discussion and translation going on to see if he can in fact see out of it. He must have said he can’t because the ref then waves the fight off, handing Sadykhov a TKO victory at 5.00mins of the opening round due to a doctor’s stoppage!