Vinicius Oliveira managed to earn a unanimous decision victory over Said Nurmagomedov today at UFC Fight Night 250.
Round One
Oliveira throws a few kicks that miss. Nurmagomedov with a fast kick of his own that just misses the target.
Calf kick for Nurmagomedov. Now a spinning body kick and Oliveira almost ducked fully into that and stumbles back afterwards.
Nurmagomedov darts forward to land a punch. Oliveira gets into range, but Nurmagomedov threatens to set up a choke and so he backs off.
Nurmagomedov with a spinning backfist attempt that misses and Oliveira uses that to get on top on the mat. Nurmagomedov back up and they jockey for position against the cage. Oliveira pressing into him. Nurmagomedov finds space to try for a choke and Oliveira breaks away. There’s an eyepoke from Oliveira during that which results in a brief time-out.
Back to it they go. Nurmagomedov comes close with a high kick. There’s an accidental clash of heads that sends Oliveira stumbling backwards, and then Nurmagomedov launches a big flying knee at him. Oliveira able to get on top on the mat now and has some time now to reset.
Not too much happening and Nurmagomedov starts to work his way back to his feet. Oliveira still clinched to his back and attempts to take him back down as the round comes to a close.
Round Two
Spinning attack from Oliveira to start the round misses. Light spinning kick to the body from Oliveira. Oliveira kicks to the body and then leg. However, Nurmagomedov then nicely times a takedown attempt, but Oliveira stuffs it as he gets his back against the cage.
Oliveira reverses the clinch. Nurmagomeov breaks away while landing a knee upstairs. Glancing right hand from Nurmagomedov. Oliveira clinches up and lands a takedown.
Oliveira in Nurmagomedov’s guard. Nurmagomedov able to get back up against the cage and then gets back to striking range.
Solid kick for Nurmagomedov. Glancing right from Nurmagomedov again. Solid punch to the body from Oliveira. Said complains about a potential eyepoke, but while Oliveira hesitates for a moment, he then fires off a hard combo of punches, forcing Nurmagomedov to get back to business.
Nurmagomedov able to clinch up and tries to get Oliveira to the mat a couple of times, but he gets right back up to his feet.
Back to striking range. Oliveira winging heavy hands without connecting. Calf kick for Nurmagomedov. Uppercut from Oliveira. Both fighters tired here and the strikes are getting sloppy, particularly from Oliveira who misses with wild punches.
Round Three
Oliveira back to winging punches early in the final round and Nurmagomedov tries to get the fight to the mat. It’s Oliveira who ends up on top though.
There’s a scramble and Oliveira sprawls on top. Now Oliveira trying to set up a d’arce choke, but doesn’t have it fully locked up and eventually gives up on it.
Nurmagomedov trying to stand up against the cage, but Oliveira preventing it for now. Nurmagomedov finally gets free with two minutes to go, but he doesn’t seem to have much left in the tank.
Oliveira wins a few punches at him. Nurmagomedov misses with a spinning backfist. Oliveira comes forward again and Nurmagomedov goes to the spinnin backfist again, but only glances the target.
Nurmagomedov with a lunging punch into a flopping takedown attempt that fails and enables Oliveira to get on top. Bit of a scramble late in the round, but nothing comes of it.
Nurmagomedov started brightly enough, but by the second round he was visibly tiring, and though Oliveira was too, he proved to be the better at fighting through that to earn himself a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).