Vitor Petrino earned a unanimous decision victory over Tyson Pedro tonight at UFC Fight Night 238, before his opponent then announced his retirement in the Octagon.
Round One:
Missed head kick attempt from Petrino. Missed winging punch from Petrino. Calf kick for Pedro. solid kick to the thigh from Petrino.
Calf kick for Pedro. Leg kick for Petrino. He misses on a head kick attempt. Calf kick again from Pedro. Jab for Petrino.
Body kick from Pedro and Petrino just misses on a head kick attempt. Petrino whiffs on a big hook. Heavy jab from Petrino and Pedro didn’t seem to like that.
Petrino follows up a missed punch with a head kick and it came the closest yet. Jab for Petrino. Push kick from Pedro. calf kick for Pedro. Front kick to the body for Petrino.
Round Two:
calf kick for Petrino after missing a couple of jabs. Inside calf kick for Pedro and then one to the outside.
Hard jab for Petrino. Pedro is really feeling those when they land. Petrino into the clinch against the cage, but then Pedro reverses it. Petrino regains the advantage and changes levels trying for a takedown. Pedro denying it though and they go back upright and break away from the clinch soon afterwards.
Close range and both exchange punches but not too much landing, though Pedro got the better of it.
Front kick to the body for Pedro. Pedro in on a single-leg attempt but Petrino stuffs it.
Calf kick for Pedro. Pedro just ducks in time to miss a head kick from Petrino. Petrino tries another head kick. Leg kick for Pedro.
Front kick to the body for Pedro. Now an inside leg kick. Solid body kick from Petrino. He’s still threatening with head kicks too.
Round Three:
Two punches and a kick land for Petrino. calf kick for Pedro. More aggression from Petrino early in this round but misses on a couple of punches. He does land a kick to the calf though.
Petrino into the clinch against the cage. Knee to the leg for Petrino. He lands another. Now he almost drags Pedro to the mat, but Pedro rights himself against the cage. However Petrino then powers into a slam to get Pedro down.
Pedro with his back to the cage to prevent Petrino taking it. Now Pedro gives up his back as he goes to his knees and then stands.
Petrino muscles him back to the mat. He lands a punch and Pedro is back to one knee. He stands and Petrino puts him back down.
Petrino in half-guard with a minute to go. Pedro to his knees. Petrino has his back and weighing on him as he tries to open up a potential choke opportunity. Petrino setting up an arm-triangle choke now. Awkward position though as he has to step off to the side but is partially blocked by the cage. There’s not enough time for him to go for the finish so we’re headed to the scorecards.
Petrino didn’t overexert himself in the first couple of punches, but his strikes did seem to be impactful when he did land and then in the third round he pushed the pace more and controlled Pedro to ensure he wins by unanimous decision (30-27 x2, 29-28).
In his post-fight interview the 32-year-old Pedro announced that he was retiring from the sport.