Dana White Not Talking To Jon Jones; Claims GSP Won’t Return To UFC

Dana White is in a much better mood now than he was a couple of days ago, thanks to Anderson Silva stepped up on short notice after the bombshell dropped that Jon Jones had failed an out-of-competition drug test prior to UFC 200, but it’s clear that the UFC president is still angry about the situation.

White hasn’t spoken to Jones since the news first broke, and by the sounds of things he doesn’t intend to anytime soon.

“No. I’m not talking to Jon Jones,” White told reporters on Friday. “I’m not talking to him, there is no reason for us to talk. The guy is a professional. Listen, I’m not the biggest Jon Jones fan right now, but I truly believe that he did take a supplement that had this stuff in it, and it wasn’t intentional. I truly believe that. But at the same time, come on! You’re 28-years-old. You’re probably the greatest talent to ever step foot in this sport. Call USADA and tell them what supplements you’re taking!

“You’ve already been through this history of just absolute madness. Forget doing it to us — why would you do this to yourself? You’re a grown up!”

Getting into his stride, White also threw Jones’ entourage under the bus too.

“The guys that are around him are just as bad. The guys who are supposed to be looking out for him and watching his back. Give me a break! Jon should have cleaned house a long time ago. That’s what Jon should have done.”

If you thought that the recent news that Georges St. Pierre has stated his intention to return to fighting in the UFC would have lightened White’s mood, then you’d be mistaken.

In fact, White remains adamant that GSP will never set foot in the Octagon again.

“Georges St-Pierre will not fight again,” white claimed. “I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again, Georges St-Pierre is done. He is retired, he will not fight again.”

It doesn’t appear that White has anything concrete to back up that claim, other than a gut instinct, so don’t take that as a definitive statement.

St. Pierre had indicated that there were contractual and financial issues that would have to be resolved in order for him to return, so that could be the stumbling block that’s fueled White’s negative attitude towards the prospect of one of the sports biggest ever stars making a comeback.

On the bright side, White has said that all the trending indicators point to tonight’s UFC 200 event in Las Vegas being the biggest pay-per-view in the company’s history.

With Conor McGregor’s rematch against Nate Diaz set to headline UFC 202 in August, and UFC 205 in New York City In November also expected to pull huge numbers, business is undoubtedly booming at UFC HQ right now, despite the occasional bump in the road.

Check out Dana white’s full interview below.

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously FightOfTheNight.com) in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.