Dominick Reyes was just able to edge out Volkan Oezdemir by split decision tonight at UFC Fight Night 147 in London.
Round One:
Leg kick for Reyes. Head kick attempt attempted but Oezdemir gets his hand up in time to block it. One two from Oezdemir just glances off the gloves.
Leg kick for Reyes and that takes Oezdemir off his feet for a momet. Jab for Reyes and Oezdemir still moves in and lands. Body kick for Oezdemir.
Body kick for Reyes lands with the toes. Missed kick for Oezdemir and a counter kick from Reyes lands to the groin forcing a brief stoppage.
Leg kick for Reyes. Oezdemir doubles up on the right hand and lands. Strike lands for Oezdemir and knocks Reyes to the mat. He follows him down, but Reyes gets back up against the cage and then escapes the clinch.
Head kick attempt misses from Reyes. Solid leg kick for Reyes. Clinch from Oezdemir and then straight into the takedown.
Reyes backing up against the cage again. He stands and Oezdemir tries to stay clinched up, but is unable to do it.
Back in striking range Reyes lands a kick to the arm of Oezdemir. Front kick to the body for Reyes. Reyes ducks underneath a left hook.
Oezdemir backs Reyes up against the cage and unleashes a brief flurry of punches. Reyes moves away. Body kick for Oezdemir.
Leg kick for Oezdemir. Head kick attempt for Oezdemir bounces off the shoulder and that’s the last action of the round.
Round Two:
Leg kick for Reyes and Oezdemir connects with a counter punch. Leg kick for Oezdemir. Oezdemir tries a head kick, but fall to the mat off-balance.
Solid leg kick from Reyes. Leg kick for Oezdemir. Left hand for Reyes. Leg kick for him. Reyes in on a single leg attempt, but Oezdemir shrugs that off.
Kick from Reyes to the body, but Oezdemir almost catches it. Nice right hook for Reyes. Now a straight left. A jab gets through too.
Knee from Oezdemir is well timed. Leg kick for Reyes. Reyes in on a trip takedown attempt, but Oezdemir did well to stay upright.
Back to striking range and Reyes lands a punch. Leg kick for Reyes. Punch for Oezdemir. Now a leg kick. Tripling up on the jab from Oezdemir but eats a counter. Oezdemir trying for a takedown attempt, but Reyes defends it and Oezdemir settles for one last punch to end the round.
Round Three:
Leg kick for Reyes. However Oezdemir then times a nice takedown. Reyes immediately back up, but Oezdemir remains clinched up. Reyes does well to escape that though.
Leg kick for Oezdemir. And another. Three piece punching combo for Reyes and then a low leg kick. Body punch for Reyes. Hard straight left for Reyes rattles Oezdemir’s chin.
Punch gets through for Oezdemir. Tries a head kick, but it’s blocked. Oezdemir with a takedown attempt, but Reyes only goes to his knees for a moment and then is back up. Oezdemir keeping him pressed to the cage though for now.
Two minutes remaining. Oezdemir backs off. Well timed knee to the body from Reyes. Now a body punch from range. He tries for a leg kick and Oezdemir looks for a takedown that doesn’t pay off.
Reyes going to the body again. He’s walking Oezdemir down for a moment. He tries for a head kick that’s blocked. Right and then a left hand from Reyes.
Another body shot lands. Oezdemir’s output markedly slowing down here. He does land a glancing left there though. Leg kick for Reyes.
Good straight left for Reyes. Another body shot for Reyes. Right hand connects for Oezdemir.
Competitive fight here then, but it’s Reyes who gets the nod by split decision (29-28 x2, 28-29).