Jimmy Crute put on a strong first round performance against Michel Oleksiejczuk tonight at UFC Fight Night 168, landing multiple takedowns before successfully executing a kimura submission.
Round One:
Misses head kick attempt from Crute to start, but then he works into a takedown and lands it.
Oleksiejczuk gets to his knees and stands, but Crute trips him back to the mat. Oleksiejczuk stands again, but Crute bundles him back down.
Up again and tripped again. rinse and repeat and we’re only a minute into the bout. Relentless takedowns here, but the problem is keeping Oleksiejczuk down for more than a second.
Finally he gets Oleksiejczuk flat on his back, but wait, he’s back up again. Now Crute settling for the clinch, but Oleksiejczuk gets away to striking range at last.
Nice punch for Oleksiejczuk, but Crute is closing the distance, picks up Oleksiejczuk and thumps him to the mat, away from the cage this time.
Crute getting to full mount, but then opts to go to side control and works a kimura attempt. He’s got this and that’s it, Oleksiejczuk taps out at 3.29mins of the first round!