Tanner Boser picked up his first win in the 205lb division tonight at UFC On ESPN 50 with a unanimous decision victory over Aleksa Camur.
Round One:
Boser throws a front kick upstairs that misses. Now a leg kick lands. Jab for Boser. Camur moves in and lands a big punch then straight into the clinch against the cage.
Boser able to reverse the position and then Camur backs away. Punch lands for Camur. Boser threatens with the front kick to the head but doesn’t quite find the mark. Left hand for Camur as he moves into the clinch again. Camur lands a knee to the body and looks for more strikes before they break apart.
Jab for Boser and a leg kick in response from Camur. Front kick to the body from Boser. Jab for Camur. Boser darts into a right hand and then tries to land a knee to the body.
Camur clinches up. Boser turns into him, but Camur sweeps him to the mat. Boser straight back up though.
Boser with a jab. Camur tries to clinch up and eats an elbow for his troubles. A couple of jabs for Boser. Another jab and a hook behind it.
A couple of leg kicks for Boser and a hook for Camur. Camur clinches up again but Boser is quickly free. Boser with a head kick that didn’t have much on it by the time he gets it up there, with Camur shaking his head afterwards to let him know it didn’t hurt.
Round Two:
Both miss strikes at close range. Boser clinches up against the cage. They break apart. Big right hook for Boser.
Boser with another couple of big punches. Big calf kick for Camur has Boser off-balance for a moment, but then he fires back with a punch.
Boser back into the clinch. Camur lands a knee to the body. Boser attempts a takedown, but then changes up to lands a few knees. Body punches from Camur as he backs away.
Boser pressuring him immediately with a series of punches and clinches up on the other side of the Octagon. Knees to the leg from him. Boser with a few punches now as Camur breaks free.
Boser with a few punches and Camur responds with one of his own. Boser back into the clinch up against the cage.
Boser punches to the body and then gives enough space for Camur to land a good punch to the head. Boser back into the clinch.
Final 10 seconds of the round and Boser backs off. Both men look to land a final punch but don’t connect.
Round Three:
Body punch for Camur. leg kick for Boser. Head kick attempt from Camur. Boser back to the clinch against the cage.
Boser with punches to the body. Camur tries for a knee. They go back to striking range. Both miss strikes. Boser lands to the body. Now a body kick.
Right hand gets through for Boser and goes for another. Now back into the clinch from Boser. He’s trying for a single-leg now, but then gives up on it.
Boser backs up. Left hand from Camur. Body kick from Camur. He swings hard and misses. Leg kick from Camur knocks Boser off-balance for a moment.
Hard punch from Camur in close. Boser into the clinch yet again against the cage. Camur moves away.
Double jab for Boser. Now a legk ick. Jab for Boser and a right hand from Camur. Boser attempts a head kick.
Camur into the clinch and Boser lands a glancing knee upstairs. Boser reverse the position.
Back to striking range. Left hook lands for Camur. Boser responds by blasting him with big hooks. Camur showing a great chin. A few more punches land. Boser goes back into the clinch now, landing a final knee to the body.
Boser’s mix of striking and clinch work helped him to win all three rounds here to earn a unanimous decision victory (30-27 x3).