Andre Petroski was able to outstrike Rodolfo Vieira to earn a unanimous decision victory tonight at UFC Fight Night 251.
Round One
Calf kick from Petroski to start. Jab for Vieira. Body kick for Petroski. Calf kicks from Vieira. Front kick to the body from him. Low kick for Petroski.
Vieira throws a punch but gets caught by a check hook from Petroski that knocks him down for a moment, leaving him reaching for a takedown.
Back to striking they go. Vieira in on a takedown attempt, but Petroski shrugs it off. Petroski marches forward and lands a nice body shot.
Vieira in on a double-leg again, but not able to get Petroski down so goes back to striking range. Petroski presses forward, but his strikes don’t find the target. Leg kick for Vieira.
Vieira clinches up against the cage. He tries to shift around to the back, but not able to and they go back to striking.
Low kick and a jab from Vieira. Leg kick for Petroski. Another short combo for Vieira. Petroski lands a takedown, but Vieira gets straight back up.
Round Two
Vieira tries for an early single-leg against the cage but it doesn’t work out. Jab for Petroski. Vieira thinking about another takedown but doesn’t commit to it. Body punch for Petroski.
Right hand lands for Vieira. Now one to the body. Inside calf kick for him too. Back to the body with a punch. Jab for Petroski. Another solid body punch for Vieira. Low kick for Petroski.
Vieira in on a takedown and this time Petroski does go to the mat for a split second then is right back up, facing towards the cage.
Vieira lands to the body. Petroski gets away. More body work from Vieira. He lands a calf kick. Jab for Vieira. Now a jab from Petroski.
Leg kick for Vieira. He lands a heavy right hand. Petroski steps in and eats a hard jab from Vieira, and then nods in acknowledgement at the strike.
Petroski fires out his the jab. Now a calf kick. He lands another jab. Final kick from him at the end of the round.
Round Three
Calf kick for Petroski. Vieira lands one of his own. Petroski with another calf kick. Vieira punches to to the body. Single-leg attempt from Vieira, but Petroski gets his leg free.
Glancing jab and a right hand behind it from Vieira. Body punch for Petroski. Now another low kick for Petroski.
Vieira back to a takedown attempt and sweeps Petroski’s legs out to land it. Petroski battles back up and faces the fence. Vieira has the body lock and lands knees to the back of the thigh. Petroski eats a punch but gets away.
Petroski with a calf kick. Jab for Vieira. Calf kick for Vieira. He lands it again. Jab for Vieira and a low kick from Petroski. He lands another to the calf.
Vieira’s latest takedown attempt fails. Right hand from Petroski. Solid straight from Vieira. Right hand and a body kick from Petroski.
Hard one-two for Vieira. Now a low kick. Solid one-two from Petroski as well now. Calf kicks exchanged. Vieira fails on a takedown again.
Now it’s Petroski with a takedown attempt and Vieira scrambles away.
With Petroski only using his wrestling defensively, Vieira wasn’t able to get his ground game going here, and meanwhile though both had their moments in the steady striking exchanges, it was Petroski who got the better of the 1st and 3rd rounds to seal a unanimous decision victory (29-28 x3).