Brunno Ferreira got back to winning ways tonight at UFC Fight Night 234 with a KO finish of Phil Hawes just 5 seconds before the end of the opening round.
Round One:
Missed head kick from Ferreira. Hawes lands a jab. Ferreira off-balance from a punch that misses. He tries a head kick again that whistles over Hawes head. Ferreira lands a punch.
Ferreira tries for a takedown, but doesn’t pay off. Ferreira lands a solid right hand. They clinch up and Ferreira lands a knee to the body. Now Ferreira goes for a hip throw and lands it nicely.
Ferreira in side control and being patient there as he enjoys a spell of control. He lands a couple of knees to the body. When he does try to flurry Hawes picks his moment to drive back up to his feet.
Jab for Hawes. Missed jumping knee from Ferreira. Head kick attempt from him but doesn’t get through. Ferreira lands a nice punch. again he threatens with the head kick and it was very close. Big flying knee for Ferreira and Hawes seems hurt. He survives a couple more punches behind it and tries to get back into the fight. Ferreira with a takedown attempt but they go back up to the feet with Hawes throwing a knee.
Ferreira looking to pour on the pressure late in the round though and after missing on another knee strike he lands a big left that sends Hawes to the mat. He follows up with ground and pound and Hawes goes out – big KO win for Ferreira at 4.55mins of the first round!