Bryce Mitchell Beats Dan Ige By Unanimous Decision At UFC Fight Night 228

Bryce Mitchell was able to get the better of Dan Ige thanks to his wrestling and grappling tonight at UFC Fight Night 228 to earn a unanimous decision victory.

Fight Report

Ige pumping out the jab to start. Left hand for Mitchell. Thumping left hook lands for Ige.

Ige with a body punch. Nice jab from him. Side kick to the body for Mitchell. Body kick for him. Right hand lands for Ige.

Jab lands for Ige, but doesn’t deter Mitchell from driving into a takedown. Ige does well to partially stuff that and then work to stand back up.

Ige landing the jab again and Mitchell already has a cut below his right eye. Jab for Ige and a body kick from Mitchell.

Mitchell works for another takedown and lands it, but Ige pops straight back up. They jockey for position in the clinch and then get back to striking range.

Leg kick for Ige. He feels out with the right hand. Mitchell throws a knee strike that almost strays to the groin.

Mitchell able to shunt around to Ige’s back and presses him into the cage. Mitchell brings him down and soon after finds himself in a full mount. Less than a minute of the round remaining though.

Mitchell stays tight to him then postures up to land a couple of punches then back to control as the round is drawing to a close.

Round Two:

Ige presses forward with a flurry of strikes, landing a nice right hand on the way. Mitchell immediately working on a takedown though. Ige able to stay on his feet though and they battle for dominance in the clinch.

Ige able to get back to striking range. Body kick from Mitchell. Nice left hook from Ige. Ige has a cut above and below his right eye and the ref wants the doc to have a look at it. He’s ok to continue.

Mitchell looking for a takedown, but it’s Ige who ends up on top. Mitchell soon gets back to his feet though.

Mitchell times a punch and tries to land a takedown off it, but Ige gets his leg free. Mitchell lands a punch and this time he does secure a takedown afterwards.

Mitchell in half-guard then ass Ige goes up to one knee he works around to his back. He gets a hook in and has his arm threatening the neck of Ige. He gets a second hook in and is working for the rear-naked choke, then transitions to trying to set up an arm-triangle from full-mount. He’s unable to get it though and we’re headed to the final round.

Round Three:

The doctor looks at Mitchell’s eye again before the final round starts, but says he’s ok.

Solid body kick for Mitchell and then works for a takedown. He gets Ige to his knees for a moment. Mitchell tries to get onto his back, but slips off and is an awkward position now. Ige capitalizes on that to try to get on top. Mitchell readjusts well though and re-establishes back control while getting the body lock in. Nice work from him.

Ige trying to turn into him and Mitchell opts to transition to full mount. Ige gets to his knees though soon after and stands back up. Mitchell follows him up though and still has hold of his back. He hoists Ige up and brings him down again. Ige does well to scramble on top though. Mitchell countering with a potential kimura.

Mitchell gives up on the kimura and now Ige is almost in full mount as the fight comes to a close.


Good fight here with Ige landing the more damaging blows on the feet, while Mitchell countered that by making good use of his wrestling and grappling ability, which leads him to a unanimous decision victory (30-27, 29-28 x2).

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.