A knee strike from Chidi Njokuani in the second round against Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos tonight at UFC Fight Night 254 paved the way for a TKO finish on the mat.
Round One
Njokuani with a push kick to start. Calf kick from Zaleski. Front kick upstairs attempted by Njokuani. Nice push kick from Njokuani to stop Zaleski moving into range. Kick from Njokuani strays to the groin and forces a time-out.
Zaleski recovers quickly. Back to kicks they go. Push kick from Njokuani and then a front kick upstairs just misses. Zeleski with a right hook that staggers Njokuani for a moment, but he recovers.
Njokuani seems ok as they go back to it. Zaleski driving into a takedown now, but Njokuani is able to defend against that for now against the cage.
Zaleski happy to stay clinched up, but eventually backs up. Front kicks working to the body from Njokauni. Missed hook from Zaleski and nice knee in response from Njokuani.
Round Two
Leg kicks exchanged. They both fire off punches too but neither lands cleanly. Zaleski attempts a takedown, but it’s blocked.
High kick from Njokuani just grazes over the top of Zaleski’s head. Low kick for Njokuani. Now the front kick to the body. Superman punch from Zaleski. He gets caught with an eyepoke which forces another brief time-out.
Front kick to the body from Njokuani. Now a body kick from him. Low kick for Zaleski and one comes back in return.
Zaleski punches his way into range, but Njokuani goes for the muay thai clinch and blasts him with a knee to the head that sends him crashing to the canvas. Njokuani follows him down an unleashes a barrage of punches and then elbow strikes to secure a TKO finish at 2.19mins of the second round!
A knee strike from Chidi Njokuani in the second round against Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos tonight at UFC Fight Night 254 paved the way for a TKO finish on the mat. Round One Njokuani with a push kick to start. Calf kick from Zaleski. Front kick upstairs attempted by Njokuani. Nice push kick from Njokuani ...

Ross Cole
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