Jiri Prochazka got the better of the striking battle against Jamahal Hill tonight at UFC 311, including flooring him in the third round to set up a late TKO Finish.
Round One
Prochazka with some fakes early. Hill lands a leg kick. Fast right hand from Prochazka. Now he lands a left hand.
Jab for Hill. He lands another and then a knee strike. Jab for Prochazka now and Hill returns fire. Head movement from Prochazka.
Inside leg kick from Prochazka. Front kick to the body from him. Prochazka gets through with a right hand. Straight left lands and drops Hill! Hill manages to work his back up to his feet nicely.
Hill lands a punch of his own now. Hill with another straight punch. Prochazka connects now as the fight really heats up dramatically.
Big exchange of punches from both fighters. Prochazka using head movement, but not able to escape every punch. Hill wearing more damage though with his nose bleeding and swelling below his left eye. Prochazka lands another punch as the round ends.
Round Two
Missed head kick from Hill. Now Prochazka misses with one of his own. Body punch for HIll. Now a front kick to the midsection from him.
Again Prochazka misses on a head kick. Jab from Hill as he presses forward and Prochazka attempts to counter with a jumping knee that misses.
Eyepoke from Prochazka brings a brief time-out but Hill is soon ok to continue.
Body kick for Prochazka. Glancing jabs from Hill. Hill misses a right but follows up with a left that gets through.
Uppercut for HIll. Left hand lands for Prochazka, but then he gets eye-poked and needs a time-out to recover. This one is worse than the one Hill suffered earlier and he needs more time. The doctor is called in, but Prochazka insists he’s good to go.
Spinning high kick from Prochazka misses. Hill with a right hand as Prochazka goes for a kick. Body kick for Prochazka. HIll punches to the body.
Hill misses a punch and Prochazka lands a right hand counter. Now a punch lands for Hill. Body kick for him.
Hill gets a couple of right hands through. Counter-punch from Prochazka now as Hill was pressing forward. Solid right hand for Hill. Head kick from Prochazka blocked. Hill lands a nice left hand to the body.
Wild exchange at close range and Hill concludes it with a knee to the body.
Round Three
Leg kick for Prochazka. High kick attempt from him, but doesn’t get through. Body punch for Hill. He lands that again. Body kick for Prochazka.
Prochazka lands a punch that troubles Hill and he backs up under fire. Prochazka piecing together strikes, but Hill survives and then lands a nice punch in close.
Left hand for Prochazka. Swings and misses from Hill. Body punch for Prochazka. Hill comes forward but Prochazka sticks him with a left hand.
Brief clinch from Hill to land a knee to the body. Heavy right hook for Prochazka drops Hill! Hill manages to scramble to his feet and throws a knee.
Prochazka with another punch and Hill staggers back down to the mat. Prochazka rains down hammer-fists as Hill turtles up, and that’s it, the ref steps in and ends the fight for a TKO finish at 3.01mins of the final round.