Leon Edwards put on a classy all-round display tonight to earn a unanimous decision victory after five rounds of high level MMA against Rafael dos Anjos at UFC On ESPN 4.
Round One:
The main event of the evening is underway in San Antonio.
Early oblique kick from Edwards. Two-piece combo from Edwards lands. Edwards nicely times an early takedown and has RDA pressed against the cage.
Edwards passes to half guard. Elbow strike for him. Elbow strikes for RDA from his back now. Mid-way through the round and Edwards continuing to grind on the mat.
RDA looking to stand and Edwards takes the back clinch as he does so. Edwards peels away and throws a head kick that’s blocked.
Low kick for RDA and then into the clinch against the cage. Edwards manages to get free though. Jab for Dos Anjos. Now a body shot and an elbow counter from Edwards.
leg kick for RDA again. Edwards clinches up against the cage. Final seconds of the round and he’s working a single-leg, but then lets it go.
Round two:
Body kick for Dos Anjos. RDA comes in withh a short flurry. They both look to exchange and RDA lands a left hand. Right hook connects for Edwards.
Head-body combo from RDA. Now a leg kick. A couple of punches upstairs and then a kick from Edwards, who then looks to clinch against the cage.
RDA reverses position briefly and then as Edwards returns the favor thhey go back to striking range. RDA with a calf kick. Elbow strike for Edwards. Kick for Edwards and then a hard leg kick for RDA.
RDA drives Edwards back against the cage. Nice elbow strike from Edwards as they separate and then lands another one. RDA now has a cut to his right eye from those sharp elbows.
RDA lands a leg kick and takes Edwards off his feet. RDA in half guard here and staying active. Edwards does well to get back to his feet though and lands a low kick.
jab for Edwards. it lands again. Both men trade at close range. ther right side of RDA’s face is now covered in blood. Front kicks to the body from Edwards.
Round Three:
The Doctor is brought in to check RDA’s eye cut before they start the third round, but he’s fine to continue.
Both fighters looking for jabs early in the tird round. Kick for RDA. jab for Edwards. Low leg kick for RDA and then Edwards lands one in response.
Hook kick attempt from Edwards. Single-leg for RDA against the cage, but it doesn’t work out and they go back to striking.
Nice left and then a right behind it from Edwards. Leg kick for RDA but eats a couple of punches in return.
Edwards clinchhes up in the center of the Octagon and then lands an elbow as he retreats. head kick attempt from Edwards.
Left hand for Edwards. RDA in deep on a double-leg, but Edwards takedown defense is strong. Now it’s Edwards trying for a takedown as he pushes RDA up against the cage>
Body blows from Edwards. Not too much happening and the referee opts to separate them.
Uppercut from Edwards and RDA lands a clean punch too in response. Hard punch to the midsection from RDA and then into the clinch. Edwards reverses the position though against the cage.
Final 10 seconds and Edwards lands his latest elbow strike as he separates.
Round Four:
Exchange in close and RDA got the better of that one. Three-piece combo for Edwards. Hard body kick from Dos Anjos.
Leg kick for RDA. Another lands inside. Left hand gets through for RDA. Leg kick for Edwards. Now a jab. Leg kick for Edwards. Body shot lands hard for RDA.
Edwards lands with a straight punch. Missed superman punch from RDA. Jab for Edwards. Flying knee attempt from RDA, but Edwards catches that and puts him on his back on thet mat.
Edwards trying to take the back, then settles for half-guard. RDA thhreatening a leg ten uses that to get back to his feet, only for Edwards to reverse the position.
Solid knee to the body from Edwards. RDA reverses Edwards in the clinch as the round ends.
Round Five
Brief stoppage early in the final round as RDA’s corner forgot to give him his mouthpiece!
Back to it Edwards lands a jab and RDA just glances him withh a jab and misses with the straight behind it.
RDA clinches against the cage. Edwards nicely reverses him. Back to striking range. Leg kick for RDA. Straight left for Edwards.
Punch for RDA. Jab for him. He gets a right hand through. Edwards clinches up and puts RDA against thhe cage. Edwards manages to suck RDA’s legs out for a moment to get a takedown, but Dos Anjos immediately pops back up.
Edwards still clinched up though, but then opts to separate. leg kick for RDA. Right hand for Edwards. Jab from RDA.
RDA just misses with a big overhand. He lands a leg kick. Right hook for RDA. He’s really trying for the finish here.
Body kick from RDA, but Edwards partially catches that and then drives him back into the cage. Edwards with a takedown and gets RDA to his knees for a brief second before he stands back up.
Final 30 seconds and RDA is having to defend another takedown attempt. Elbow for Edwards as he retreats.
RDA tries for a flying knee, but Edwards sees it coming and takes him down.
Two high level fighters doing a fine job here, but it’s Edwards whho got the better of it with crisp striking, strong clinch and grappling along with accurate elbows to earn himself a unanimous decision win (50-45, 49-46 x2).