Michael ‘Venom’ Page cruised to a comfortable and largely uneventful unanimous decision win over Shara Magomedov today at UFC Fight Night 250.
Round One
Body kick from Page as he takes the center of the Octagon to start. They exchange fast low kicks.
Thigh kick from Magomedov. He lands another. Stance switches from Magomedov. Page presses forward and Magomedov backs up. A lot of feints from both men. Head kick attempt from Magomedov misses. Page darts forward and shoves Magomedov backwards off-balance.
Page now in on a potential takedown attempt that doesn’t pay off, but he stays in the clinch against the cage afterwards.
Magomedov breaks free. Magomedov far less active than usual here. Light leg kick from each man but not much else here. Quick jab from Page. Page suddenly launches himself into a two-punch combo that lands.
Page just misses with an overhand right. Side kick to the body for Magomedov. Leg kick from Page. Magomedov misses a head kick as Page was moving away. Leg kick for Magomedov.
Jumping punch from Page doesn’t land clean and Magomedov tries to catch him with a spinning backfist as he circles away. Page certainly looks the more comfortable of the two so far, with Magomedov seeming a bit unsure how to engage against his tricky opponent.
Round Two
Lunging right hand from Page. Now a jumping body kick from him. Page fires off a fast right hand that just misses and had Magomedov off-balance for a moment.
Spinning head kick from Page just whistles short of the target. Now a spinning body kick does land. Magomedov continues to be hesitant to engage.
Page misses a punch but manages to clinch up. He backs away though. Side kick to the body from Magomedov.
Right hand gets through for Page. Leg kick from Magomedov. Flying knee attempt from Page doesn’t land clean. He fires off a right hand now.
Body punch for Page. Side kick to the body from Magomedov. A few missed punches now on both sides. Spinning backfist from Page just comes up short.
Page clinches up and presses Magomedov into the clinch. Final 10 seconds and Page backs up, but not before landing an elbow to the head.
Round Three
Disappointing display from Magomedov so far. Let’s see if he can step up his offense in the final five minutes.
Leg kick for Magomedov. He lands another, but eats a counter punch for his troubles. Leg kicks exchanged. Magomedov loads up on a spinning attack but then doesn’t pull the trigger at the end of it.
Feints from Magomedov, but then Page just lands a punch anyway. Missed right hand from Page and then clinches up. he backs up with a right hook.
Crafty glancing uppercut from Page. Flying knee from Page just misses. Magomedov clinching up against the cage now. He lands a knee to the body. Page breaks free.
Final minute. Magomedov attacks with a jumping knee. He tries for a superman punch. Jumping knee from Page didn’t work at all that time.
Page jumps into a strike and then falls to his back, where he quickly lands an upkick in the final seconds.
Not the thrilling striking battle fans would have been hoping for then, with Magomedov being very hesitant to engage throughout the fight, while Page was happy to play with his food from the outside, occasionally darting in to land a strike and earn himself a unanimous decision victory (30-27 x2, 29-28), while also breaking his opponents undefeated record.
Michael ‘Venom’ Page cruised to a comfortable and largely uneventful unanimous decision win over Shara Magomedov today at UFC Fight Night 250. Round One Body kick from Page as he takes the center of the Octagon to start. They exchange fast low kicks. Thigh kick from Magomedov. He lands another. Stance switches from Magomedov. Page ...

Ross Cole
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