Round One:
Salikhov with a calf kick. He lands it again and Kenan responds with a low kick of his own.
Another calf kick for Salikhov. High kick attempt from Kenan. Salikhov continues to chip away at the leg.
One-two from Kenan as he darts forward. Salikhov with a spinning body kick. Back to the calf kick.
Lead left hook from Salikhov comes off the guard. Front kick to the body. Spinning back kick to the body from Kenan now. Salikhov drives into a hard low kick.
Good left hand down the pipe from Kenan. Now he works into the clinch against the cage. Knee strike lands to the groin though and forces a timeout to allow Salikhov to recover.
A minute later Salikhov is ready to get back to action. Salikhov back to the calf kick. Now a leg kick from Kenan. Kick from kenan is caught and Salikhov uses that to dump him to the mat, but he doesn’t follow him down.
Back on the feet now. Stepping left hand for Kenan. Salikhov unleashes a spinning wheel kick and it lands perfectly and floors Kenan!
And that’s that, the 40-year-old Salikhov gets a stunning highlight-reel KO victory at 3.49mins of the first round that’s right up there with the best knockouts of the year.