Rodrigo Nascimento earned a second victory over Don’tale Mayes tonight at UFC Fight Night 231, though he had to go to the scorecards this time around.
Round One:
Big calf kick from Mayes is met with punches from Nascimento. Nascimento aggressive early here as he unleashes a few punches as Mayes is backed up to the cage. Mayes able to get away though and reset.
Jab and a grazing right hand from Nascimento. He wades in with more punches as mayes covers up and backs off.
Uppercut gets through for Nascimento. Mayes tries to step in with an elbow and winces as if he took an eyepoke, but doesn’t get a time-out.
Nascimento wading forward with punches again. He does so again and this times Mayes throws back. He looks less comfortable doing so than his opponent though at this stage in the fight.
Nascimento steps in with a big uppercut that hurts Mayes, but he stays upright. Over on the other side of the cage Mayes eats another few punches. Now Nascimento is trying for a takedown and Mayes manages to stuff that.
Inside leg kick from Nascimento. Uppercut gets through for Mayes. Jab for Nascimento. Mayes with a high kick attempt but nothing really on that.
Nascimento’s pace slowing now after not getting the early finish. Mayes lands a rip to the body.
Round Two:
Punch lands for Nascimento. Mayes swings back but misses. Tired looking body kick from Mayes. One-two for Nascimento. Now a head kick. Nascimento unleashes a flurry of punches, but Mayes returns fire and waves him on.
Nascimento drives into a takedown, but Mayes manages to stay upright. Nascimento settling for pressing him into te cage now.
Knees to the body exchanged in close. Chopping elbows from Nascimento. They move away from the cage. Nascimento with a head kick again that’s blocked. Jab for Nascimento. Clumsy low kick from Mayes.
Nascimento with an inside leg kick. Knee to the body from the thai clinch from Mayes before they break away.
Mayes steps in with a hook. Back into the clinch he goes and lands a few sort strikes. Tired body kick from Mayes misses. Leg kick for Nascimento. Mayes just missing on an uppercut as the round ends.
Round Three:
Mayes coming forward with a bit more purpose now in the final round. Nascimento lands the jab. Mayes attempts a head kick. Nascimento works the jab and lands a knee upstairs in the clinch. Mayes throwing hooks. They trade jabs.
Nascimento with a head kick, but Mayes blocks it. Both men tiring here. They get into the clinch and Nascimento lands elbows. Mayes trying to land too. Mayes eats an uppercut as they separate.
Mayes attempts a takedown, but it’s stuffed. Nascimento lands to the body and throws an uppercut.
both men trade a few punches. Nascimento with a leg kick. Mayes connects with a left hook. Mayes weary but trying to work some strikes. Left hand for Mayes in the final seconds of the fight.
We head to the judges who hand Nascimento a unanimous decision victory (30-27, 29-28 x2).