Santiago Ponzinibbio found himself in a tough fight with Carlston Harris tonight at UFC Fight Night 249, but when he started to find a home for big right hands in the final round he made the most of it to secure a TKO victory.
Round One
Leg kick for Harris. Ponzinibbio taking the center of the cage. He lands a punch to the body. Another low kick for Harris.
Jab for Ponzinibbio. Harris with a low kick. Hard one-two from Ponzinibbio seemed to trouble Harris for a moment. Now a couple of punches to the body from Ponzinibbio.
Right hand for Ponzinibbio. Harris punches to the body. He does so again. Inside leg kick for him. Harris ducks under a punch to attempt a takedown, but Ponzinibbio fights it off comfortably.
Chopping calf kick for Ponzinibbio. Body kick from Harris. Harris punches to the body. Ponzinibbio ducks and then throws a left hook.
Leg kicks exchanged at the same time. Hands flying at close range for a moment. calf kick for Ponzinibbio. He punches to the body. Harris drops down trying for a takedown, but it doesn’t pay off.
Jab for Harris. He lands it again and then works to the body. Jab for Ponzinibbio now. Grazing punch from Harris knocks Ponzinibbio off-balance to the mat for a moment, but he’s straight back up.
Late in the round Harris uncorks a big overhand right that drops Ponzinibbio. He’s able to get back up but seems a bit unsteady now. Only seconds left in the round though and so Ponzinibbio manages to survive.
Round Two
Ponzinibbio lands to the body. Now a calf kick. Body punch for Harris. Calf kick from Harris. Now a jab. Good body punch for Harris now.
Ponzinibbio ducking and trying to land his left hook but not finding the mark. He lands a heavy straight right though. Body punch for Ponzinibbio.
Harris into a takedown attempt, but Ponzinibbio stuffs it. Both just miss with big swings. Inside leg kick for Harris.
Jab from Harris sends Ponzinibbio slipping to the mat for a moment, but doesn’t seem hurt. Jab for Ponzinibbio now.
Jab for Ponzinibbio, punch to the body for Harris. Low kick fromm Harris. He lands another. Ripping body punches from Harris at range.
Left hook connection from Ponzinibbio. A couple of snapping jabs from him. He’s having difficulty landing his own strikes while also trying to avoid the longer, rangier Harris though.
Round Three
Jab for Ponzinibbio. Harris with a takedown, but Ponzinibbio shoves him off. Harris on his back now with Ponzinibbio standing over him.
Kicks to the legs from Ponzinibbio. Harris scrambles up and gets into the clinch. Ponzinibbio breaks away though.
Both land with hooks. Jab for Ponzinibbio. Harris punches to the body. Body kick for Harris. Good right hand from Ponzinibbio. He lands another punch that sends Harris wobbling backwards.
Ponzinibbio getting aggressive now as he swings for the fences. Ponzinibbio cracks him again with that right hand and Harris wobbles and crumples to the mat.
Credit to Harris for finding his way back to his feet and fighting on. Ponzinibbio is right back to seeking out that power right hand and it rocks Harris again and his legs are giving out. He somehow stays upright, but the ref has seen enough and steps in to wave off the fight. Big TKO victory for Ponzinibbio at 3.13mins of the third round of a hard fought fight.