Sean Strickland’s Feud With Machine Gun Kelly Reignited

Back in February former middleweight champion Sean Strickland had a brief altercation with rapper Machine Gun Kelly at a Power Slap event in Las Vegas and later roasted him on social media, and now the feud has been reignited by his rival.

“The art of me standing or existing makes people furious,” MGK said when the subject of Strickland was brought up during an appearance on the ImPaulsive Podcast. “I don’t know this guy from a crumb of bread.

“I didn’t now who he was when I met him. I got hip afterwards that he’s insanely racist and homophobic, and just not my type of guy. So, I would have never even wanted to shake hands with him in the first place.

“He also is just a representative of every person who’s too scared to just be themselves. Because, if you’re comfortable as yourself, you just don’t care who anybody else is and how they are.”

MGK went on to give Strickland some advice, despite knowing that it was always going to fall on deaf ears.

“He’s so dumb that I’m going to tell him right now. You should not keep saying stuff, because it just makes me look better,” Kelly said.

“But, you’re going to keep saying stuff. So, I know that you’ll react and say more things but you just shouldn’t.”

“As a person who’s just giving you big bro advice, learn this: shut the f*** up and don’t speak on me anymore and live your life. But, you won’t. And I’m going to continue laughing at you because you’re a f***ing idiot.”

And sure enough, Strickland did quickly fire back at the celebrity.

“Getting lectured by a guy who drinks blood and wears a purse,” Strickland said on X. “Dawg, you had a mid-life crisis and tattooed your entire body.”

“The ‘The X community of intolerance’ y’all, I’d hang out with you toxic trolls any day over this c***. Go back to cutting yourself you f***ing weirdo.”

Ross launched MMA Insight (previously in 2009 as a way to channel his passion for the sport of mixed martial arts. He's since penned countless news stories and live fight reports along with dozens of feature articles as the lead writer for the site, reaching millions of fans in the process.