Volkan Oezdemir edged out a split decision verdict against Aleksander Rakic today at UFC Fight Night 165
Round One:
Rakic steps into a right hand. Now a flying knee attempt from Rakic and then gets into a guillotine choke attempt against the cage, but Oezdemir escapes.
Oezdemir pressing Rakic up against the cage now, but Rakic is looking for a chance to work a takedown and is able to reverse the position against the cage in the meantime.
Not for long though as Oezdemir jockeys for position and then moves back to striking range. Leg kick for him.
Hard body kick from Rakic and then narrowly avoids a counter punch. Missed uppercut from Rakic but does lands a punch behind it.
Brief clinch and a knee to the body from Rakic. Straight left for Rakic. Nicely timed counter right from him now.
Left hook for Rakic. Oezdemir lands but then another hook attempt on the counter from Rakic.
Rakic in on a single leg here and then works Oezdemir to the mat in the center of the Octagon.
Oezdemir standing with Rakic working the body lock against the cage now. They get a little space and Rakic connects with a solid punch.
Back in the center of the Octagon now. Nice uppercut from Rakic but gets caught with a counter as he unloads more punches.
Leg kick for Rakic. Low kick for Oezdemir. Body punch for Rakic. Antoher leg kick from Oezdemir. Rakic just misses with a flurry and then lands a body punch as Oezdemir attempts a flying knee.
Round Two:
Short left hook from Rakic. Oezdemir with a low leg kick. He lands it again. Now Rakic responds with one of his own.
Another leg kick from Oezdemir. Again it lands and Rakic has a curious swelling on the front of his shin. It’s a nasty haematoma that almost looks like a second kneecap below his real one.
Body kick from Rakic to show that leg is still functioning despite the nasty swelling.
Body punch for Oezdemir and then a leg kick, but Rakic uses that to work a takedown and then tries to swing at Rakic as Oezdemir stands back up, but misses.
Rakic pressing Oezdemir up against the cage now. He lands a knee to the body. Oezdemir with short elbows. Punch from Rakic as he backs away.
Punch for Rakic and then avoids a punch. Rakic with a single leg but can’t get Oezdemir down this time and goes back to striking range.
Leg kick for Rakic. Leg kick for Oezdemir directly to where it’s already hurt.
Left hand for Rakic. Oezdemir wades into a body punch. Oezdemir holds his hands out and then slaps both hands in front of Rakic’s face.
Round Three:
Front kick to the body from Rakic. Body punch rips in from Rakic but almost gets caught on the counter.
Nice one-two counter for Rakic there. Now he clinches up and presses Oezdemir to the cage. They exchange knees. Rakic lands a big couple of hooks as he backs away.
Body punch for Rakic. He misses with an overhand. Leg kick for Rakic. Now an uppercut. Oezdemir pressuring but not finding the mark to often.
Oezdemir does land a solid left hand though, but Rakic lands in return. Oezdemir goes back to that leg kick that was paying dividends so well earlier on in the fight.
Rakic clinching up but eats a short knee upstairs. Rakic with a flurry of strikes against the cage. Rakic thinking about reaching for a takedown but then backs off it.
Head kick from Oezdemir, but Rakic eats it. Overhand right for Rakic. Now Rakic in on a takedown attempt against the cage in the final minute.
Oezdemir defending and landing elbows and this fight is headed to the scorecards.
Close fight then and it goes to a split decision, with Oezdemir emerging with the victory (29-28 x2, 28-29)