Sean O’Malley engaged in a hard-fought battle with Petr Yan tonight at UFC 280 and emerged with a split decision victory.
Round One:
Oblique kick for O’Malley. Front kick to the body for O’Malley and a leg kick from Yan. Yan taking the center of the Octagon.
Missed front kick to the body from O’Malley. Yan looks for another leg kick. He lands to the body and just misses with a big left hand.
Solid body kick for Yan. Leg kick for O’Malley. Jab from O’Malley. O’Malley circles on the outside. He lands a right hand.
leg kick for Yan. Front kick to the boy from O’Malley. Another body kick from Yan. Oblique kick for O’Malley. Leg kick for O’Malley.
O’Malley with a right hand. Body kick for Yan. Leg kick from O’Malley and Yan was trying to land a big counter punch off that but doesn’t connect.
Jab for O’Malley. Yan drives into a takedown attempt against the cage. O’Malley staying upright though and then is able to break away.
O’Malley feeling out with the jab. Nice overhand left from Yan. Olbique kick from Yan doesn’t quite pay off but then he wades in throwing big punches. Switching things up he lands a big takedown.
Yan on top in O’Malley’s guard and looking for ground and pound. O’Malley trying to get his legs up fishing for submission, but Yan brushes that off. However, O’Malley does well to scramble back to his feet.
leg kick for Yan. Reaching right hand from O’Malley. O’Malley misses on a few punches. Now he lands one. Body kick from Yan.
O’Malley surprises Yan with a quick takedown, but Yan pops straight back up and that’s the end of the round.
Round Two:
Oblique kick attempt from Yan and follows it up with a big body kick. O’Malley with a good left hand and that might have hurt Yan.
O’Malley looking to capitalize as he pressures forward with more strikes. Yan covering up a bit. However, he then turns the screw by landing a big left over the top that hurts O’Malley. Now Yan is able to land a takedown in the center of the Octagon after connecting with a few short rights.
Yan lands a punch as O’Malley is trying to look for a submission. Another punch from Yan and O’Malley is trying for an armbar. He doesn’t get it, but then almost manages to escape to his feet. Yan gets on top again before he can complete that though.
However, O’Malley does manage to scramble to his feet now, but Yan gets into the clinch against the cage. He lands a knee to the body.
They break to striking range. Nice trip from Yan to put O’Malley on his rear. He’s back up quickly though.
Nice elbow strike from Yan as he stays aggressive. Solid jab for Yan. Front kick to the body for O’Malley. He lands a right hand too. Punishing body kick from Yan. O’Malley looking to fire back.
Another body kick from Yan. leg kick for O’Malley. O’Malley with the jab and then tries for a power punch that misses.
O’Malley feinting with the jab and then looks to land. Yan with a head kick attempt that’s blocked and transitions into a taekdown against the cage. He lands that nicely.
30 seconds of the round remaining. O’Malley breathing hard and tries to kick Yan away without success. Yan looking to pass into half-guard as the round ends.
Round Three:
Front kick to the body for O’Malley. O’Malley feeling out with the jab. Yan looks to counter with a right. Jumping kick from Yan. Now he grabs a hold of a leg, but O’Malley shakes that off.
leg kick for O’Malley. Yan looking for a leg kick. O’Malley lands his and an oblique kick for good measure. Grazing left hand from O’Malley.
Back to pumping out the jab from O’Malley. Yan with an uppercut attempt and another punch behind it as he drives forward trying to land a takedown that doesn’t pay off.
Big knee from O’Malley to the head and that hurt Yan again, and now Yan is bleeding from a cut to his eye. O’Malley stalking him. They trade at close range throwing caution to the wind for a moment.
Good punch from Yan. Exciting action here in the final round. O’Malley looking to turn up the heat, but Yan lands the trip to take down O’Malley. O’Malley immediately stands though.
Yan clinching up looking for a takedown on the other side of the Octagon now and he lands it. Half-guard for Yan, who is still bleeding from that cut close to his eye.
O’Malley able to stand with Yan still pressing him up against the cage, but then breaks free entirely.
O’Malley with a jab. They both miss with power punches. Big exchange in close. Yan trying to work a takedown without success.
Back to striking range. jab for O’Malley. Yan’s right eye is a mess. Yan with a nice takedown in the final 15 seconds in the center of the Octagon.
Yan lands a few punches as O’Malley tries to keep him away with his legs. We’re headed to the scorecards!
What a great fight this was. O’Malley proved he is worthy of competing against the best after being competitive throughout and rocking Yan twice. However, Yan also rocked O’Mally and mixed in numerous takedowns over the course of the fight.
So it’s up to the judges to decide and they declare O’Malley the winner by split decision! (29-28 x2, 28-29).
What a huge win for O’Malley against the current No.1 contender, and that should propel him high up the rankings in the coming days. Yan will feel he did enough to win too though and this may well not be the last time we see these two paired up together.