After a slow start Carlos Condit really came into his own against Martin Kampmann as the fight progressed and eventually produced an excellent TKO stoppage early in the fourth round.
Here we go in the main event of the evening. Kampmann immediately charges in with a takedown attempt, pressing Condit up against the cage.
He’s fighting hard for it, but at first Condit resists, but then Kampmann lands it. Awkward position up against the cage and Condit’s hunting for a leg lock, but Kampmann readjusts and gets into his opponents guard.
Kampmann stands over him and lands a few blows. Condit scrambles to his feet, but Kampmann takes his back in the process and get him down again and still on his back he’s looking for the rear-naked choke.
Condit manages to break free and get’s on top himself. Not for long though as Kampmann’s clinching up again looking for another takedown. Again Condit resists at first, but a trip helps Kampmann get it.
Back inside Condit’s guard, but not much happening. Kampmann looks to stand over him again and gives just enough room that allows Condit to stand up.
Condit fires off some strikes that land in close and Kampmann backs away.
It’s not long before Kampmann’s got Condit flat on his back once again and that’s where the round ends.
Onto round two and a head kick from Condit is blocked. Kampmann reaching for a takedown, but misses and Condit swipes the air with a spinning kick.
Nice jab from Kampmann. A few kicks from Condit and Kampmann hunts for the takedown again, but Condit stuffs it this time.
Kampmann finds a home for a few punches. Soon after Condit peppers Kampmann with a combination of his own.
condit’s able to spin and take Kampmann’s back briefly against the cage before breaking free.
Nice punch down the middle lands for Condit. Kampmann responds with a hard punch of his own.
Condit will be happier with this round taking place mostly on the feet. Punches and a kick to follow from Condit.
left hook lands for Kampmann. Condit goes for the spinning backfist that only grazes his opponents face.
Kampmann pushing in for another takedown against the cage in the final minute. Condit shrugs him off though and tries to take Kampmann’s back, without quite managing to do so.
One last attempt to get the fight to the mat from Kampmann that’s stuffed and the round ends with Condit now appearing to have found his groove.
Round three underway with Condit taking teh role of aggressor with a flurry of strikes. Kampmann presses forward with a combination of his own and drops for a takedown that’s stuffed and so he resets.
Not for long though, he closes the distance, gets the clinch and hoists him up and dumps him to the mat close to the cage.
Condit uses the cage to get up again and then spins away. Condit back to pusing the pace with some nice punches and an elbow. He’s mixing things up nicely with kicks too.
Kampmann comes forward and gets caught with a few punches. Kampmann’s face is streaked with blood now as Condit continues to keep the pace high.
Condit works to the body then upstairs with a head kick and more punches behind it. He even tries a flying knee, but it misses.
Kampmann ducks down and looks for the takedown to change things up, but it’s not happening and Condit’s looking for a choke.
Kampmann does excellently to drop and spin away from the choke, but Condit follows him down and gets his back looking for a rear-naked choke. Kampmann’s very bloody though and that’s making it difficult for Condit who tries to get something happening from the mount too before they pop up to their feet just as the final seconds tick away.
Round four and Kampmann catches a Condit kick and dumps him to the mat, though he gets striaght back to his feet.
Condit misses upstairs with a kick, but then scores with a body kick. Then he lands a right-left combo that appears to rock Kampmann who backs up slightly dazed against the cage. Condit senses it and unleashes a flurry of left and rights.
Then he digs a punch to the mid-section that clearly hurt his opponent, then come a couple of knees to the head that sends Kampmann to the mat and that’s it, Condit’s got the TKO at 0.54mins of the fourth round!
Impressive stuff from Condit who readjusted well after being outwrestled in the first round, and showed off dynamic striking and terrific cardio to get the better of Kampmann, proving that he’s still one of the very best fighters in the UFC’s welterweight ranks.