Ryan Bader was able to get the better of Ovince St. Preux over the course of five rounds tonight at UFC Fight Night 47 thanks mostly to his superior wrestling including multiple takedowns.
Round One:
Bader with a low kick to start. OSP with a short flurry. Bader in with a hard punch that just comes up short and no more.
Bader secures a takedown and is straight into side control. Not to much offense from Bader, but he tries to take OSP’s back and then roll into a submission, but it doesn’t pay off and his opponents gets up to his feet.
OSP with a kick that’s blocked. He swings wildly and misses while Bader catches him with a counter. Long left hand from OSP connects. Bader charges in on a takedown attempt, but St. Preux avoids it and counters with a hook.
High kick from OSP comes up short. Bader fakes a shot and then as OSP comes forward lands a solid straight punch down the pipe.
Bader lands again, but is off-balance. OSP connects solidly. Heading towards the final 10 seconds of the round and Bader produces another confidence boosting takedown.
Round Two:
OSP thinks about a spinning kick, but then decides against it. There’s a brief flurry in close, but both men comes away intact.
Bader with a double jab and OSP counters. Left hand lands for OSP as he moves in. Hard body kick connects for OSP.
A two-piece combination lands for OSP as he starts to warm to the striking contest in the second round.
Bader swings a little wildly looking to set up a takedown attempt, but OSP swivels away from it. Left hand for OSP. Bader with a leg kick.
OSP is landing first now and is doing a better job of shutting down Bader’s takedown attempts. In fact right then Bader tries a takedown, but is off-balance and OSP ends up on top.
Bader back up, but OSP lands a few nice shots that backs him up. Final 10 seconds and Bader gets a takedown of his own, but overall that was a good round for OSP.
Round Three:
All to play for at this stage in the main event. Kick to the mid-section from OSP and a leg kick from Bader. Awkward body kick from Bader lands.
OSP presses forward aggressively and Bader backs up and ducks out of danger. Quick right hand lands for Bader and he follows up with a takedown which he lands. OSP stands back up immediately, but Bader remains latched onto his back and uses that to whip him back down to the mat in side control.
OSP attempts to wall walk out of the position, but Bader is heavy on top and lands a few strikes. OSP into half guard and stands back up nicely. Right hand lands for Bader and then a huge takedown follows.
This time Bader is having to work from inside his opponents guard. He moves to half guard and drops down a couple of elbows and body shots. OSP looking to find a way back up to his feet and manages to do so. Bader again on his back though and pulls him down only for OSP to stand again.
20 seconds of the round remaining with Bader still in the clinch and then backs away with a punch landing on the way out to seal a gound for him.
Round Four:
Into the championship rounds then. OSP with a left hand and met with a couple of punches in return. OSP fakes and then lands a chopping kick to the leg. Bader rushes in and walks through some punches to lands a takedown, but OSP is right back up and gets away fro his clutches.
Body kick for OSP. He lands a nice lengthy jab. Big left hand wings past Bader’s head. Not much in the way of combo’s from OSP and he looks to be tiring now.
Bader into the clinch and gets his first takedown of this round. OSP turtled as Bader drops in some short punches. OSP stands, but Bader’s still clinching his back and after failing to hoist him up the first time he gets him down again at the second attempt.
OSP on his hands and knees and then rolls to his back with Bader in half guard. OSP turns to his back again and Bader lands a few solid punches to the head.
OSP up with 10 seconds of the round remaining and Bader stays clinched up with him until the buzzer sounds.
Round Five:
The Final five minutes are underway in the main event. OSP with a kick under the armpit. A tired looking punch then comes up short.
Shortly afterwards another left does land meaningfully though. OSP charges forward with a few more punches, but not much comes of it.
Changing things up it’s OSP who now lands a takedown and Bader immediately tries for a kimura, but can’t get it. Bader rolls onto his knees and OSP tries to keep him down but is unsuccessful.
OSP looking to get him back down again, but it’s Bader who manages to land the takedown and is in half guard again. Little shots from Bader and then he thinks about isolating an arm for the kimura, but OSP is wise to it and defends before getting up to his feet.
OSP with some elbows against the cage opens up a cut on Bader’s left side and as they jockey for position OSP is on top. He’s not got him fully secured though and Bader gets up and takes OSP’s back looking to take him down.
Bader staying clinched up with 40 seconds to go. He stays there until 10 seconds remaining when OSP pushes him away. Bader reaches in for a couple more takedown attempts, but doesn’t manage to secure them to end the fight.
A fairly clear cut unanimous decision victory (48-47, 49-46 x2) for Bader then thanks to his repeated takedowns and prolonged spells on top.