Yancy Medeiros put in a very assured display tonight both on the feet and with his finishing submission as he put short notice replacement Damon Jackson to sleep in the second round with a guillotine choke.
Round One:
Medeiros with a kick to the body and rangey punches to start as Jackson immediately tries to close the distance.
Jackson moving in again and gets met with a solid punch that stops his progress. Medeiros with a push kick to keep Jackson at bay.
Jackson charging forward again throwing a few punches as he ducks in and looks for the takedown. He settles for a the clinch instead and there’s a battle for position in close against the cage. Couple of nice knees from Jackson in the clinch, but Medeiros is having some moments of control himself from this position.
Both men try to knee at the same time and Medeiros’ blow lands to the groin forcing a brief stoppage. Going back to it Medeiros tries a spinning kick. Jackson kicks to the leg and then throws a few looping punches as he moves in.
Jackson engages in the clinch against the cage again with a knee in their for good measure. Jackson working for a takedown, but Medeiros is doing a good job to stay up on his feet.
Medeiros tries to drop down with a guillotine choke and almost has it, but Jackson shrugs him off and Medeiros has to scramble back up to his feet.
Medeiros looking quite confident at this stage and unleashes more strikes on the debuting Jackson as the round comes to a close.
Round two:
Jackson comes barreling out with punches to start round two trying to close the range, but Medeiros catches him with a counter.
Medieros looking to let his hands go, but Jackson catches him off guard with a high kick attempt and another kick behind it. Medieros straight back to it though and he’s showing great accuracy with his hands.
He’s tagging Jackson and that forces the UFC newcomer to go back to the clinch again against the cage. Suddenly Medeiros snatches a guillotine choke and Jackson seems to turn into it which makes it almost like a reverse guillotine as they drop to the mat.
Whatever it is it’s very tight and Jackson goes to sleep with 1.54mins of the second round gone!