Gleison Tibau managed to outpoint Norman Parke by split decision tonight at UFC Fight Night 59 in Boston.
Round One:
Parke with a body kick to start that’s blocked. He tries a couple of spinning kicks that Tibau moves away from.
Parke into the clinch briefly, but Tibau breaks away. Tibau lands a left hand after a Parke kick. Parke targeting the body with a punch.
Tibau checks a kick. Another couple of left hands land for Tibau. Front kick to the body from Parke. Tibau thinks about a spinning attack, but then opts out of it.
Parke pawing with the jab now. Parke fakes a takedown and misses with the punches he follows up with. Tibau lands a solid left hand again.
Tibau with a spinning kick to the head that doesn’t pay off. Parke ducking in on a takedown, but it’s stuffed and Tibau lands a nice knee to the body in close.
Short flurry from Parke then out of danger. He comes in again and connects nicely with a body kick.
into the clinch in the middle of the cage and they exchange knees. Tibau reaches for a takedown that doesn’t happen and Parke also tries a throw that’s unsuccessful as the round comes to a close.
Round Two:
Spinning kick from Parke misses. He tries a capoeira style spinning kick and it doesn’t quite land, but allows Tibau to press forward with a flurry.
Tibau with a solid leg kick. Parke trying to press the action a little now and lands a left hand. Tibau misses with a spinning backfist.
Left and right lands for Tibau and Parke opts for the clinch. Tibau reverses it almost immediately though and presses Parke up against the cage. Parke manages to disengage.
They both comes up a little short with some punches. Tibau moves in on a takedown attempt and is successful. Parke gets his back to the cage though and stands. Now it’s Parke who presses his opponent to the cage while ducking in hoping for an opportunity to land a takedown. Nothing doing though and Tibau reverses. He’s working hard for a takedown and briefly bundles him down. Parke up and Tibau brings him back down with authority. Undeterred Parke is upright again.
Tibau remains pressing Parke to the cage, but not to much happening. Parke landing a few light knees. They start to move from the cage and then separate.
Tibau with a kick to the body. Parke comes forward and tries to find a takedown of his own, but it doesn’t come off and the round ends.
Round Three:
The trade punches to start the final round. Parke with a leg kick, Tibau misses with an overhand. Parke shoots in for a takedown against the cage, but again he’s unable to get him on his back and they separate.
Winging shots miss from both men in close. Right then a left hand connects for the Brazilian. Parke pushing the pace and in a short exchange he lands with a left.
In for another takedown attempt is Parke and again he comes away without success. Body kick for the Northern Irishman.
Parke coming in and Tibau catches him in a standing guillotine for a moment, then lets it go. Soon after Parke is in on the clinch again, but only momentarily.
Not much offense from Tibau so far this round and is getting outworked a little by Parke. In an exchange of punches it’s Tibau who lands the harder though.
Final minute and both men are letting their hands go a little. Tibau almost bundles Parke to the ground. Parke pushing forward again without much end product as the final bell sounds.
Relatively close fight without many memorable moments here and that leads to a split decision verdict with Tibau getting the nod from two of the three judges to earn the victory.