Demonstrating improved striking tonight at UFC 192, Ryan Bader was able to get the better of Rashad Evans and secure the biggest win of his career via unanimous decision.
Round One:
Bader comes in looking to strike, but Evans waiting to counter. Leg kick from Bader. Overhand right attempt from Bader.
Body kick from Bader. Evans comes up short with a winhing hook. Nice right hand from Bader. He lands a jab as Evans plots a way inside.
Bader with another kick to the body. Bader reaches in with a takedown, but it’s a little clumsy and he grabs fresh air before eating a couple of strike sfrom Evans.
Evans with a left and then an overhand right that misses. Right hand lands for Bader and then a jab. Evan showboats with a low stance, but Bader looking the better of the two so far.
Bader pops out a solid jab. Evans taking the center of the cage, but not too much offense from him yet. He does come forward with a nice right hand there though.
Right hand for Bader. Evans charges forward with a three-piece combo that lands and into the clinch. Bader able to break away with a good elbow though.
Evans paws out with the jab and then tries to connect with the overhand right, but misses. Bader with a jab and that’s the end of the round.
Round Two:
Bader working the jab to start the second round. Right hand and a left hook from Bader. Now a right hand lands for him and Evans gets one of his own soon after. Bader lands a spinning back kick to the body.
Evans feeling out with his jab and Bader lands a body kick. Evans trying a body kick now. He wings the overhand right, but it doesn’t quite land.
Bader charges forward and lands a takedown. Evans close to the cage, moves to his knees and stands with Bader attached to his back. Bader bundles him back down, but Evans immediately stands. Bader continues to be body locked against the cage.
Evans with a knee and they break apart. Both men connect with a punch. Evans misses an overhand. Bader with a body kick. A few jabs from both men and Evans lands a good right hand.
Jabs again exchanged and then a leg kick from Evans. Bader with a body kick of his own. Body punch from Bader now. More versatility from him in this fight than we’ve seen in the past.
Evans pressuring. He feels out the jab and then lands with the big winging right. Bader fires back with a couple of punches of his own.
Evans goes down for a low takedown attempt, but Bader stays upright. Evans opts to clinch instead against the cage as the round ends.
Round Three:
Evans right eye shutting closed as we begin the third round. Evans pressing forward, but Bader often first to throw and right now he’s connecting with the left hook which Evans probably can’t see very well due to his eye.
Evans moves forward with a short punch combo that lands. Evans pressuring forward again with strikes and then into the clinch against the cage. Bader breaks away with an elbow. Bader lightly tags Evans with a jab.
Bader with punches and a solid body kick to follow. Bader moving on the outside. Evans connects solidly with a right hand and then tries for a takedown against the cage, but it’s stuffed and Bader lands an uppercut. Again as Bader moves away he connects with an elbow, his best so far.
Evans with a couple of punches, but Bader then lands a grazing shot to the top of the head. Evans throws a head kick and we’re in the final minute.
Evans still trying to lead the dance, pressuring forward, but all too often there’s not enough of an end product, while Bader continues to chip away at him.
Bader thrusts forward and gets a takedown. Evans right back up. They clinch against the cage. Bader trying one last time for the takedown, but Evans remains upright.
Bader’s clearly improved over the last couple of years that Evans has been on the sidelines injured and he gets the better of Evans in the striking tonight together with the occasional brief takedown in their for good measure to earn a clean sweep on the scorecards (30-27 x3) and extend his unbeaten run to five fights.